Abstract In order to make clear the effects of rain shelter cultivation on the incidence of diseases and pests of grape ......
2005年,1000亿元:2008年,2000亿元;2010年,3000亿元。如同插上了一双腾飞的翅膀,山东旅游总收入扶摇直上,彰显着齐鲁大地的秀美与卓越, ......
静读历史,就是静观一条大河 历史滚滚向前,永不停歇,就像一条河,后浪推前浪,浪花恰如一首首或凄美或壮丽的史诗。朵朵浪花腾起,瞬间又......
<正> Ever since 1975, we have studied haploid seedlings and succeeded in the culture of the new wheat line, Yuhua No. 1,......
今年9月28日是孔子诞辰2559周年纪念日,适逢杭州孔庙复建工程落成,举行祭孔大典,重现了这一在杭州沉寂多年的古老祭祀大典。 坐落......
The Universal Postal Union (UPU) wasfounded on October 9,1874.To give widepublicity to the functions of the postal ser-......
奥地利上奥州是个美丽的地方。 从奥地利首都维也纳向西行几个小时,就到了上奥州的首府林茨。这里离德国的巴伐利亚州已经不远了......
Objective To explore etiological characteristics of hand,foot and mouth disease(HFMD)in Xinjiang in2013.Methods A total ......
1.在孔子讲学授道的地方聆听圣人教诲。 Listening to a lecture in the place where Confucius used to teach his students ......
何时使用大写字母? 英语字母共有26个,分大写和小写两种形式。众所周知,英语的句子大都是用小写字母来写的,那么什么时候使用大写......
China is a large marine country. Developing marine economy is an effective way to solve a series of problems with wh......
The purpose of building a resource-conserving society is to pursuit less resource consumption and less environmental pol......
我对刘洪川先生从事年画木刻和艺术收藏的成就早已知晓。日前,我到他住宅探访,看了他的作品和收藏,实在大为惊讶和赞佩。 雕刻年画......
A major sitcom called “Jinan People” performed by Jinan Art Group has created a great sensation in an circles, and is ......
前不久,山东歌舞剧院青年歌唱演员冉艳在山东剧院推出独唱音乐会《江山颂歌》 庆祝新中国60华诞和第十一届全运会。省人大副主任崔......
Surface area is a fundamental parameter derived from terrain analysis in geographical information systems (GIS) for mode......
China is making all-out efforts to fight severe drought WATERING LIFE: A farmer waters a wheat field in Shangcai ......
With gourmet versions flourishing overseas, Sun Jiahui goes in search of the authentic jianbing 聽说煎饼打入了海外美食......
背景:急性缺氧性呼吸衰竭(acute hypoxemic respiratory failure,AHRF)是急诊科和重症监护病房患者死亡的主要原因之一。当前,无创......
目的 调查与评价科研院所专业技术人员的科研环境与激励现状,提出相应改进对策.方法对省属医学科研院(所)300名专业技术人员进行包......
1.她的独生女儿在山东大学学法律。 误:Her only one daughter studies law at Shandong University. 正:Her only daughter s......
New rules will soon come into being to enhance theperformance of the State-owned enterprises and their managers.To ensu......
Premier Wen Jiabao’s latest vow to suppress sharp rises in commodity prices that affect people’s immediate interests h......
As a result of more and more serious energy risks, the study of national energy security zoning is not only the basic re......
Based on the same data source of Landsat TM/ETM+ in 1990s,2000s and 2010s,all urban built-up areas in China are mapped m......
Factors Acquisition and Content Estimation of Farmland Soil Organic Carbon Based upon Internet of Th
Aiming at the shortage of sufficient continuous parameters for using models to estimate farmland soil organic carbon(SOC......
As an official transaction of Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (FICMES), FOUNDRY Journal (m......
Under the backdrop of loss of the entire refined aluminum industry,the investment in electrolytic aluminum accelerates.T......
Anhui Shifan Daxue xuebao: Journal of Anhui Normal University (humanities and social science edition)Beijing Daxue xueb......
目的 :研究藤黄总酸的体内外抗肿瘤活性。方法 :以抑瘤率和生命延长率观察药物的体内抗肿瘤活性 ,以药物对肿瘤细胞株的抑制率为指......
Xu Yan, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) at the Matou Township Hospital in Linyi City, east China’s Shandong ......
Import of New and High-tech Products Increases Rapidly The proportion of new and high-tech products in the total import......
The interaction of phenosafranine (PSF) with a glycosaminoglycans of heparin (Hep) in aqueous solution has been characte......
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College was founded 1969 and it was the Agricultural MechanizationDepartment with ......