Developing a Subjective Evaluation Scale for Assessing the Built Environments of China’s Hygienic Ci
Objective To develop a preliminary subjective evaluation scale for assessing the built environments of China’s Hygienic......
采用不同类型的聚丙烯纤维进行热轧加工,由此分析了不同的纤维的性能与热轧温度、压力等工艺参数对非织造布 性能的影响。......
Study of the Nutritional Value and Hygienic Quality of Local Infant Flours from Chad, with the Aim o
This study aims to develop infant flours fortified with iron and vitamin A, taken from local products such as powder fro......
Cold plasma technology was used to treat sludge, and the effects of various discharge times on the pH, EC, content of av......
according to statistics, 70 percent of Chinese people are in sub-health, so the health care for them should be payed mor......
Quality of Human Urine Used as Fertilizer: Case of an Ecological Sanitation System in Ouagadougou Pe
The use in agriculture of excreta from urine-diversion toilets can be an alternative solution to the lack of sanitation ......
The microbiological quality (microbial load and profile) of 6 Ghanaian food products was determined before and after irr......
The aims of this study were to investigate the food safety knowledge and practices of food handlers and to assess the sa......
The performance prediction of hygienic products can be a major advantage for manufacturers. Among the interesting perfor......
Hygienic Production Practices and Microbial Quality of Cow Milk in Cheha District of Gurage Zone, So
The aim of the study was to assess hygienic production practices and to evaluate microbial quality of raw cows’ milk in......