Major spliceosome defects cause male infertility and are associated with non-obstructive azoospermia
Processing of pre-mRNA into mRNA is an important regulatory mechanism in eukaryotes that is mediated by the spliceosome,......
临床上精子发生障碍最严重的可导致非梗阻性无精子症(Non-Obstructive Azoospermia,NOA),约占所有男性不育症患者的十分之一。遗传......
Major spliceosome defects cause male infertility and are associated with non-obstructive azoospermia
Processing of pre-mRNA into mRNA is an important regulatory mechanism in eukaryotes that is mediated by the spliceos......
本文通过对睾丸显微取精术(microdissection of testicular sperm extraction,MD-TESE)未获得精子的NOA患者的睾丸组织体外特......
目的利用白消安对BALB/c雄性小鼠生殖毒性,建立不同损伤程度的NOA(non-obstructive azoospermia,NOA)动物模型。方法本研究取6~8周......
<正>"年轻建筑师正站在打破由老牌知名建筑师创立的旧方阵的前沿。"意大利青年建筑师Lukas Rungger和Stefan Rier坚信"年轻的工作......
Tang Maohong:Noa,Noa,Southeast Asia Residency Exhibition...
ICSED (Improved Cluster Shade Edge Detection) algorithm and other various methods to accurately and efficiently detect e......