Structural insights into cellulolytic and chitinolytic enzymes revealing crucial residues of insect

来源 :第十一届全国酶学学术讨论会暨邹承鲁诞辰90周年纪念会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zydolphin
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The chemical similarity of cellulose and chitin supports the idea that their corresponding hydrolytic enzymes would bind β-1,4-1inked glucose residues in a similar manner.A structural and mutational analysis was performed for the plant cellulolytic enzyme BGlu1 from Oryza sativa and the insect chitinolytic enzyme OfHex 1 from Ostrinia furnacalis.Although BGlul shows little amino-acid sequence or topological similarity with Of Hex 1, three residues (Trp490, Glu328, Va1327 in OfHex1, and Trp358, Tyr131 and Ile179 in BGlu1) were identified as being conserved in the +1 sugar binding site.
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