Why Making 'Complete Streets' Is the Single Most Important Component of Sustainable Urban

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xieming15898575325
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  ‘Complete Streets’ is a term used by planners and urban designers to ensure that roadways are designed and managed with the full spectrum of users in mind.The term does not dictate with specificity any single set of design criteria.Instead it establishes a policy that safety and convenience should be balanced for everyone using the network of roadways in a city.The result of such a policy is to provide transportation choices for everyone.In the U.S.it is estimated that close to 40% of GHGs result are transportation related so it stands to reason that providing attractive and desirable mobility choices such as walking, biking, and public transit reduces dependence on single-occupancy vehicles and would impact energy consumption and GHG and data bears this out.For example, in 1993, Portland, Oregon became the first U.S.city to adopt a plan to address global warning, intended to reduce emissions to 10% below 1990 levels by 2010.New transit investments and continued improvements to bicycling and walking infrastructure have thus far resulted in per capita CO2 emissions reductions of 12.5 percent" (source: National Complete Streets Coalition).Moreover, substantial pollution of inland rivers has been attributed to runoff from roadways and parking lots designed to accommodate automobiles.Here again, studies point to reduced hazardous runoff though the design of streets and spaces i.e., of urban infrastructure.This presentation will provide an overview of complete streets show how they are being used, and explain the environmental benefits that can be expected from the adoption and implementation of complete streets policies.
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