
来源 :煤炭经济管理新论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangnayangyang
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煤炭企业混合所有制改革是煤炭企业建立现代企业制度的必然要求。煤炭企业混合所有制改革要求在国有煤炭企业中引入民营投资、外商投资,形成煤炭企业投资主体多元化的格局。煤炭企业混合所有制改革要求煤炭企业按《公司法》要求改制为规范的公司制企业,构建以股东会、董事会、监事会、经理层为代表的现代公司治理结构。煤炭企业混合所有制改革拓宽煤炭企业融资渠道,引入国内外战略投资者,可优化煤炭企业的公司治理机制:一是优化煤炭企业股权类型和股东结构,提升股东在公司治理中的能力和动力,强化股东大会作为公司最高权力机关的权威;二是拓宽董事人选范围,优化董事会的构成和结构,提高董事会的运作效率和效果;三是增强对经理层的激励和监督,减少代理人的逆向选择和道德风险。总之,煤炭企业混合所有制改革有利于煤炭企业公司治理机制的形成和优化。 The reform of mixed ownership of coal enterprises is a necessary requirement for coal enterprises to establish a modern enterprise system. The reform of mixed ownership of coal enterprises requires the introduction of private investment and foreign investment in the state-owned coal enterprises, forming a diversified pattern of investment entities in coal enterprises. The reform of mixed ownership of coal enterprises requires that coal enterprises be restructured into standardized corporate enterprises as required by the Company Law, and a modern corporate governance structure represented by shareholders’ meetings, board of directors, board of supervisors and managers should be established. Coal enterprises reform of mixed ownership to broaden the financing channels of coal enterprises, the introduction of strategic investors at home and abroad, to optimize the corporate governance mechanism of coal enterprises: First, optimize the equity ownership of coal enterprises and shareholder structure, enhance shareholders’ ability and motivation in corporate governance, strengthen The general meeting of shareholders as the authority of the supreme authority of the company; the second is to broaden the scope of candidates for directors, optimize the composition and structure of the board of directors and improve the operational efficiency and effectiveness of the board of directors; thirdly, enhance the incentive and supervision of managers and reduce the adverse selection of agents; Moral Hazard. In short, the reform of mixed ownership of coal enterprises is conducive to the formation and optimization of corporate governance mechanisms in coal enterprises.
糖基转移酶催化糖蛋白的形成,它将 N-聚糖连接到行使功能的蛋白质上,对蛋白质功能进行调控。N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖转移酶Ⅲ(GnT-Ⅲ)是对 N-聚糖结构极其特殊的糖基转移酶,它催化生成