Topological properties of house-keeping and tissue-specific microRNA in regulatory network for diffe

来源 :第五届全国生物信息学与系统生物学学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:danble
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  Background: microRNA is a small non-coding RNA of~22nt which is essential at posttranscriptional level of gene expression, and is closely related to human disease especially cancer.Yet, the detailed regulatory mechanisms of microRNA in human system is not clear at present.Hear we try to touch upon this problem by constructing the microRNA-TF regulatory networks for different tissues and to find the regulatory features ofmicroRNAs.Methods: We first construct microRNA-TF regulatory network for seven human tissues which include microRNA to target gene regulation and the regulation of transcription factors (TF) to non_TF targets and microRNAs.Then we acquire house-keeping microRNAs and tissue-specific microRNAs, and randomize the network while keeping the degree of each node unchanged.After that, we compare the topological properties such as indegree, outdegree, betweenees, incloseness and outcloseness for house-keeping microRNA and tissue-specific microRNA in the original network and the randomized network to acquire microRNA regulatory features.Results: By comparing to other microRNAs, we find that the tissue-specific microRNAs show higher betweenees, indegree and incloseness.Higher betweenees means that tissuespecific microRNAs tend to bridge many upstream and downstream pathways in gene regulation, and higher indegree means that these microRNAs tend to be regulated by more TFs, while higher incloseness implies that these microRNAs tend to be regulated more quickly.We noticed that the house-keeping microRNAs showed few topological biases in the seven tissues.Conclusions: Compared to other microRNAs, the tissue-specific microRNAs are involved in more pathways in the regulation level to assist the special functions of every tissue, and they would react more promptly when the upstream regulators are interfered.This implies that subtle changes in regulation level could influence tissues certain function through tissue-specific microRNAs.While house-keeping microRNAs mainly maintain common functions for the tissues .
女孩子到了一定年龄就会来月经,第一次来月经称“初潮”。它是人类性发育过程中的一个特殊事件,也是女性特有的一种生理现象,必然引起少女们对它的疑虑、猜测或好奇。初潮的到来,意味着女孩子已正式步入了青春发育期。但许多人把月经初潮当作是女子性成熟的标志,其实这是一种误解。    初潮第一年,通常不排卵    一般来说,女孩子月经初潮大多数发生在13-15岁,当然有早至11-12岁、也有晚到18-19岁的。
历史的巨轮滚滚向前,傲然的时光不容蹉跎。沉重也罢,悲壮也罢,共和国在礼炮声中度过她45岁华诞。 精卫填海,大禹治水,愚公移山,虎门焚烟,其间流淌着的是炎黄的血液;岳飞将“
大多数减肥计划都无效,让我觉得既失望又沮丧。后来终于明白,停止对自己身体的掠夺,聆听身体真正的需求,健康才是美丽的第一法则。  以前,为节食而常常挨饿。让我觉得沮丧,烦躁,有时甚至会觉得愤怒抓狂,接着狂吃一顿,甚至连续若干顿。根据我的经验,节食减肥收效甚微,因为节食在破坏身体新陈代谢的同时,还让我们对自我的评价产生质疑,比如我怎么总是瘦不了呢?我真是个没毅力的人等等。  身体因为得不到恰当的营养,