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  Abstract: Second Language learners progress in constantly error-making and error-correcting. Thus, how the errors occur and what causes these errors are worth studying. Based upon such understanding, this paper first makes differences between errors and mistakes, and then probes into the roots that causes theses error. Apart from the interlingual and intralingual interferences, other factors like teacher and teaching methods are also included. is a very important factor that influences the second language acquisition. This paper tries to present language transfer phenomenon via analysis of students’ compositions and offer suggestions on improving the teaching of writing.
  Key words: error analysis, composition, teaching of writing
  Error analysis is an important component of study of second language acquisition. The research involves two aspects: pedagogical and theoretical. The former is to classify errors and come up with strategies to correct errors, while the latter is to find the nature and profound reasons of error .
  The traditional error analysis before 1970s is confined to collect common errors and classify them linguistically , which helps to determine the sequence of teaching and content of teaching points, evaluate learners’ level. The appearance of Corder’s The significance of Learners’ Errors in 1967 marked the beginning of modern error analysis. The attitude towards error has greatly changed. Errors are unavoidable during second language acquisition and even necessary. Error making reflects supposition of target language. Error analysis is not only to improve teaching, but to explore psychological process of language learning. The flourishing of research on error analysis during 1970s holds the view.
  Much study on error analysis is followed, thus produce many terms such as interlanguage, fossilization etc. Different ideas on methods of error analysis and classification of error are put forward.
  Error-making is unavoidable in second language acquisition. First, the difference between error and mistake should be made clear. Errors refer to ones resulting from inadequacy of target language. Mistakes are ones caused by other factors, such as anxiety, inattention, carelessness. This paper focuses upon errors committed by students in compositions..
  Writing competence has been considered as important in second language acquisition. The author analyzes students’ compositions , identifies error types and offer error commission frequency, which can be references for teaching of writing.   Previous study on error
  Based upon the characteristics of interlanguage, Corder categorizes errors into pre-systematic errors, systematic errors and post-systematic errors. In broad sense, errors can be divided into competence errors and performance errors. Learners usually can correct by themselves performance errors instead of competence errors.
  However error is dealt with, the purpose is to grasp the target language well. Error is part of feedback as well as results of test, which promotes us to discover problems and improve quality of teaching . The procedures of error analysis is as follows: select corpus; identify errors; classify errors; explain reasons of error making; evaluate for the sake of teaching.
  These figures are far from full mark 15.This demonstrates writing competence needs badly improvement and shows students’ disability in writing. The teaching of writing is worth approaching. Writing level reflects to some degree the command of English. Many people attempt to analyze writing and approach teaching via error analysis theory.
  The qualitative method is employed in the research. 80 compositions of non-major students are collected for research. The compositions are finished under natural circumstances. Students are not told beforehand their compositions will be for research use. In this way can some tendency be avoided. Their language output through composition will be objectively observed and described . Interview of 10 students are arranged.
  Overgeneralization appears due to incomprehensive understanding of language rules. When students master some rules, they will apply rules to every similar situations. For instance, past particle is one of the typical overgeneralizations errors committed by students. Therefore, these errors belong to intralingual errors.
  Most students tend to commit errors of simplification for the sake of carelessness or unconsciousness. For instance, the omission of the plural markers following the noun can be termed redundancy reduction as no information is lost.
  Wrong analogy is interlingual errors. Some terms or phenomena are not universal in all cultures. For the lack of target culture or linguistic knowledge, students tend to borrow similar culture phenomena to replace that of target culture. Cultural peculiarity is the typical reason for coming up with wrong analogy.
  The percentage indicates that students tend to commit interlingual errors more than intralingual errors.   Interviews with students indicates they often commit another two types of error: communication-based error and induced errors. The former emerge for students incorrectly labels an object but successfully communicates a desired concepts. The latter happen as a result of teachers’ misleading some similar concepts or synonymy.
  Reasons of error making
  Error making involves several factors: linguistic level, pragmatic competence, psychological state. The teaching of writing should take these factors into consideration. Research on students’ psychology is needed.
  Attitudes towards error
  Larsen-freeman stated errors should be avoided, for errors lead to ill habits. Therefore, teachers should deal with them immediately when errors occur. However , this attitudes tend to make students anxious and nervous for fearing error-making, thus not beneficial to language acquisition . Then no error correcting is advocated. Students should speak or write fluently without being disturbed by error-correcting. It is believed that errors will disappear during the process of acquisition. On the contrary, the phenomenon “fossilization” emerge. Students will not progress further with faulty concepts on target language. Appropriate ways to correct errors are necessary to make students acquire language better. People advocate error correction, but error correction should not occur at any time or anywhere. It depends on situations or people or necessity.
  Writing is a process of expressing thoughts and views and process of error correcting. Error presentation acts as the basis of judging and explaining errors. Therefore, error analysis is like a facilitator. For one thing, error analysis helps us to understand learners’ English level, error types, error features and difficult points with the effective teaching. Second, tolerance towards error is necessary. Cultivation of interest is more important than error correcting. Third, error analysis make us observe and understand teaching methods, way of thinking and how they apply language supposition rules and regulate and compare these rules, factors that influence writing. Finally, error analysis is a kind of test of language supposition rules . Error appearance indicates that learners are testing actively what they have learned, so it is not necessary for teachers to exaggerate and emphasize errors resulting in anxiety and nervousness of learners. In this way can students treat writing as not terrifying. They would like to try instead of avoiding making errors. Error is interlanguage. Continuous error making and correcting make them approach target language gradually. Error appearance offer students chances to correct and comprehend errors.   Suggestions on teaching of writing
  This paper tries to explain the five critical principles which have been beneficial to my own approach to error analysis in English writing and to convince that preoccupation with error is unnecessary, and even counterproductive: first, by reviewing typical problems of English writing ; second, by suggesting ways to make error analysis both more manageable for teachers and more beneficial for their students.
  understanding the student’s intention
  Before marking any errors in a students’ composition, read it carefully ,try to understand the students’ intentions in writing it, and respond it in a reasonable way. Many students are so preoccupied with error that they begin editing almost from the moment they begin writing. Afraid of making mistakes they are unable to make meaning and develop ,shape, and structure their ideas. They are hindered so that they can not write and arrange logically.
  setting priority for analysis
  Analysis is of primary importance. When teachers set priority for analysis, be sure that they are consistent with their own teaching. Criticism is not ultimate goal. Encouragement is of importance to students. Error correcting should be dealt with in a cautious way without discouraging students.
  1.looking for patterns of error, finding the root or reason of errors is followed. Make sure any possible reason are taken into account and then relatively important reasons are listed. Talking with students will do good to teaching. We may comprehend what take place when students write. This effort will give a hint to our teaching of writing.
  2.Setting reasonable goals for improvement
  This principle is related to the teacher’s role in guiding the improvement of their students’ writing. Set reasonable goals for improvement, and frame your analysis in terms that will encourage your students to set their own goals for improvement. Most of us recognize that errors are a necessary part of learning and writing.
  3.Helping students to objectify their impression of writing.
  The teacher’s responsibility is to discriminate errors caused by the physical and conceptual demands of writing itself and those related to individual linguistic competence.
  [1]Larsen-Freeman, D. Techniques and Principles in LT [M].Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.
  [2]James, C. Errors in language learning and use-Exploring error analysis[M]. London:Longman,1998.
  [3]Diane Larsen-Freeman Michael H. Long An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research[M]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.
  [4]Corder,S.P. The significance of Learner’s Errors [J].International Reviews of Applied Linguistics, 9,1967:149,59.
  柯细香(1975~),副教授,硕士研究生,研究方向: 翻译与教学法
如今,在新课改春风的吹拂下,素质教育的春天已经来临。面对教育改革的大好形势,语文教学教法只有不断创新,设计好每一堂课,把汉语教学变成学生心目中最美的语言,使学生沉浸在教师创设的情景中,在快乐中收获知识,在快乐中得到教育。那么如何提高学生学习语文的兴趣,如何才能活跃课堂气氛,达到寓教于乐又增长知识的目的?为此,我总结了几点粗浅的感想。  一、巧设导语,创设情境  要能带动学生的学习语文的兴趣,新课的
摘  要  创设与教学目的内容、学生认知结构有关的事物,以激起学生发现问题,引导学生提出问题,使学生进入思维探究的佳境。教师要引导学生在学习过程中自己发现问题、自己提出问题,并尝试自己解决问题。要善于利用学生的问题,设置不同层次的疑点,并根据课堂发展的情态,逐步提高创设问题情境的层次。  关键词  师生  备课  一、师生共同参与备课  教师备课的一个主要任务是充分考虑学生的实际情况和学习的心理状
摘  要  培养学生发现问题和提出问题的能力,老师要深入分析并把握知识间的联系,从学生的实际出发,依据数学思维规律,提出恰当的富于启发性的问题,去启迪和引导学生积极思维,同时采用多种方法,引导学生通过观察、试验、分析、猜想、归纳、类比、联想等思想方法,主动地发现问题和提出问题。  关键词  兴趣  动力  钥匙  质疑  创新  主见  一、培养数学兴趣,增强学习动力  兴趣是动力的源泉,要获得持
社会上经常说到:高分低能,意思是分数高不一定能力强!这用来说死读书,不懂变通,将所学知识灵活应用到生活中来解决问题的人群。  那么,再教了几年书后,我发现:不但高分低能存在!而且高能低分更存在,而且比前者更多的充斥在我们的教学与日常生活中。平常一个学生学习都不错,学的挺好的,思维能力强,想法新颖。可是一到考试就发挥失常考不好!事后分析原因,大多数都归结于:考场上过度紧张,发挥失常!这是一个方面,这
小学开设英语课是当代社会发展的需要,是全面提高我国英语水平的当务之急。在小学阶段开设英语课目的是从小培养孩子学习英语的兴趣,从小培养他们良好的语音、语调,为以后更深入地学习英语打下坚实的基础。但如果小学阶段我们的英语教学两极分化严重,一部分学生开始厌恶学习英语、对英语失去兴趣的话,那么不得不说我们的教学是失败的。因此做好后进生的转化工作是我们进行个别教育的重中之重。  后进生是指班上品学俱差的学生
摘 要 本文着重从民办高校学生的特点入手,分析存在的问题和现状,认为符合民办院校学生思想政治教育工作的方式主要是提高认识,纠正和更新传统观念;优化思想政治教育队伍结构;充分发挥党团组织、公共理论课教学在学生思想政治教育中的主渠道、主阵地作用;突出民办高校学生思想政治教育特色,增强工作的针对性、实效性;扩大思想政治教育工作队伍,大力提高员工的思想道德素质;不断探索思想政治教育工作的新形式。  我国非
摘  要  初中数学教学中“只教知识、不教方法;只重微观、不思宏观”等现象仍大量存在。学习数学,最重要的是学习数学的思维方法,在数学教学中对学生的要求不仅仅只满足于求得问题的正确答案,还应注意在教学过程中教会学生领悟知识的来龙去脉,有意识地训练学生的思维,并通过迁移变通,引导学生大胆设疑,拓宽思维空间,寻找多种解题方法,从中发现最佳解法,我仅就我的教学经验谈一下教师如何培养学生的思维能力,让学生智
摘  要  如何提高学生学习英语的口语应用能力,将课堂教学融于师生整体的生命,活动之中,为师生创造性的发挥提供时间、内容及余地,真正达到情感交流,自然交往的目的,培养良好的学习兴趣和树立学生学习英语的自信心。  关键词  兴趣  热情  自信心  英语口语  应用能力  英语的口语应用能力是影响人的认识活动的因素之一,是对客观事物的态度,包括动机、兴趣、意志、性格等。它直接参与对客观事物认识的具体
摘  要  体育教学是初中教学中的重要组成部分,体育教学的主要目的在于增强学生的体质。在此基础上帮助开发智力,提高学生非智力水平,培养学生的综合素质,促进学生全面发展。但是,现阶段中学体育教学中存在着种种不足,影响了体育教学本应该发挥的作用,我们应该立足现实,努力创新,以人为本的改进做好体育教学工作。  关键词  体育教学 创新 素质教育 教师  随着我国经济社会的不断深入发展,教育教学也得到了飞