Internet上多内码中文处理应用现状 Internet的发展,给全球信息产业带来了不可估量的发展契机,世界各国的人们都越来越深刻地认识到了这—点, 并纷纷努力增加在这方面人力物力的投入,以期在这次信息革命中不落后于人。 中国,这个有着全球四分之一人口的东方大国,在Internet的推广和应用方面也取得了骄人的成绩,但当我们走出国门,投入到Internet的汪洋大海中时,却遇到了很多不方便的地方,其中语言
Application Status of Intra-code Chinese Processing on the Internet The development of the Internet has brought immeasurable opportunities for development in the global information industry. People all over the world have come to realize this point more and more and have made efforts to increase their manpower in this area Material and material inputs, with a view to not falling behind in this information revolution. China, the country with a quarter of the world’s population, has also made remarkable achievements in the promotion and application of the Internet. However, when we went abroad and entered the vast ocean of the Internet, we encountered a lot of inconveniences The place where the language