The 1985 Japan Plaza Agreement made the dollar an orderly devaluation against the yen and the deutsche mark and other currencies. This solved the so-called overvaluation of the U.S. dollar and the current account imbalance in the United States. However, the trade imbalance between the United States and Japan has not been fundamentally solved. In Japan, there was a serious bubble economy. Historical lessons have left many people in doubt about the re-oppression of the renminbi by the United States in recent years. Based on the recognition of Balassa-Samuelson effect theory, this paper studies the relationship between exchange rate and GDP based on the appreciation of the renminbi. In comparison with the macroeconomic situation in China before and after the reform in 2005, we think that as long as appropriate measures are taken , Is to prevent similar long-term slow growth in Japan’s economy in our country a repeat.