深入贯彻《条例》 推进机关党建

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面对新世纪带来的难得机遇和严峻挑战,面对国际风云变幻和国内改革进入攻坚阶段的新形势,机关党的工作任务愈来愈重。在新的形势和新的任务面前,各级党组织必须以满腔的政治热情和新的工作姿态,按照《中国共产党党和国家机关基层组织工作条例》赋予机关党组织的职责任务,扎实有效地做好机关党建工作,使之提高到新水平,迈上新台阶,进入新阶段。一是要充分发挥党的思想政治优势,使党的思想建设得到新加强。加强党的思想建设的首要任务是搞好理论武装,理论武装的根本是坚定不移地用邓小平理论武装广大党员干部的头脑。要通过举办 Faced with the rare opportunities and severe challenges brought by the new century, in the face of the new situation in which the international situation is changing and the domestic reforms have entered a crucial stage, the tasks of organs and parties are getting heavier and heavier. In the face of the new situation and new tasks, party organizations at all levels must, with full of political enthusiasm and new work attitude, act in a solid and effective manner in accordance with the duties and responsibilities entrusted to the organs and party organizations in accordance with the “Regulations on the Work of the Grass-roots Organizations of the Communist Party of China and State Organs.” We should do a good job in building the organs and organs so that we can raise them to a new level, move to a new stage and enter a new phase. First, we must give full play to the ideological and political advantages of the party so that the party’s ideological and political building can be further strengthened. The primary task of strengthening the party’s ideological construction is to improve the theoretical armies. The fundamental argument of the theoretical armies is to unswervingly arm the minds of the majority of party members and cadres with Deng Xiaoping Theory. To be organized