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第三讲:三资企业的生产管理生产管理目前在国内有狭义和广义之分。狭义生产管理是指对产品制造系统的管理,即对企业生产调度部门所负责的基本生产过程和辅助生产过程的作业部分的管理。它只适合于改革前我国所有企业和现在仍受行政计划控制的国营企业采用。三资企业是经营生产型企业,由于在其生产管理中始终涉及三方面的重大决策(对产品所需原材料、原部件或半成品的自行制造还是购买或转包,对厂址选择和后勤联网的优劣比较,对生产设施配置的标准化还是专门化),所以,它们必须对全部生产系统进行管理。这种管理也叫作广义的生产管理。 Lecture 3: Production management of foreign-funded enterprises Production and management currently has a narrow and broad sense in China. Narrow sense production management refers to the management of the product manufacturing system, that is, the management of the basic production process and the operational part of the auxiliary production process that the enterprise production scheduling department is responsible for. It is only suitable for the adoption of all enterprises in China before the reform and state-owned enterprises that are still controlled by the administrative plan. A foreign-funded enterprise is a production-oriented enterprise. Because it always involves three major decisions in its production management (self-manufacturing or purchase or subcontracting of raw materials, original parts or semi-finished products needed for the product, the advantages of site selection and logistics networking In contrast, the standardization of the configuration of production facilities is still specialized. Therefore, they must manage all production systems. This kind of management is also called generalized production management.
这时,浑不见静恬安谧的水乡绿原:这里,也没有修篁掩映、清流泱瀼的庭园......这里,是血与火、生与死考验人的前沿阵地—— At this time, muddy water quiet quiet tranquil
甘肃银城实业总公司位于甘肃省白银市,是一家以有色金属采、选、冶为主体,化工、有色金属加工、建材、运输、商贸多业并举的大型企业 Gansu Silver City Industrial Corpora
我院对106例脑梗塞患者用颈动脉注射和静脉滴注尿激酶溶栓治疗,进行对比观察。现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 病例选择:106例患者均经临床及CT检查确诊为脑梗塞。化验血小板、
人物 灰刺猬、医生、呱呱蛙、破烂熊、羊奶奶、小燕子  地点 医院、小路  【灰刺猬在电脑前玩游戏,在昏暗的灯光下看书……灰刺猬揉着眼睛,来到医院。】  灰刺猬 医生,我的眼睛总是看不清。  医 生 (检查)糟糕,你的眼睛近视了。  灰刺猬 我为什么会变成近视眼呢?  医 生 玩电脑游戏时间太长,经常在昏暗的灯光下看书……这些不良的习惯,损坏了你的视力。  灰刺猬 我真后悔呀!现在,我看不清东西怎么
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