The power of gratitudeKevin Eikenberr

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  Science tells us that an “attitude of gratitude” is a good health choice. Being more grateful more often makes us happier and more optimistic. In our life, gratitude can not only improve relationship but also help you reduce negativity. We learn the importance of saying “thank you” as little children. We are taught that habit because it is “good manner”. This childhood lesson is extremely powerful. Think about those people that you know.Who are most appreciative of you? How do you feel about them? Does their appreciation positively impact your relationship with them? Of course it does! Moreover, gratitude also reduces negativity.It is hard to be negative about your situation when you are thinking about things for which you are grateful. One of the fastest ways to improve your mood or outlook is to count your blessings.
  In all, gratitude is an immensely powerful force that we can use to improve our happiness, create loving relationships, and even improve our health. Gratitude is an attitude, a choice and also a habit. When we consciously practice being grateful to the people, situations and resources around us we begin to attract better relationships and results. The habit will be strengthened as you make the choice each day.You’ve probably thought of being thankful as a good thing to do or the right thing to do. But now hopefully how you see it can be even more powerful than “right”.
  gratitude n. 感恩
  appreciative adj. 感激的
  blessing n. 幸事
  immensely adv. 无限地
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