Hockey Players Coming Down With The Mumps

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  Lots of professional hockey players have recently come down with the mumps.
  1.“The mumps” is an illness that makes people feel tired and sometimes achy. People who get it usually look like they have a swollen face and throat area. 2.它曾是一种常见的儿童疾病, but then a medicine was invented to prevent mumps and it became much less common.
  This year there has been an unusual outbreak among hockey players.
  The mumps can be spread from person to person through sneezing or coughing, or when 3.有人与别人分享食物和饮料。In the case of the hockey players, they are often together on the ice and in their team’s dressing room and may share water bottles.
  4.More than a dozen players, on several NHL teams, have caught the mumps. One of the latest is Sidney Crosby, captain of the Penguins.
  There are professional hockey players with the mumps on the teams from Anaheim, Minnesota, New Jersey, Pittsburgh and New York.
  Some NHL(National Hockey League) teams are giving their players “booster” shots—that’s a medicine that they hope will prevent others from getting the mumps.
  Teams in the NHL are taking actions to prevent the spread of mumps, such as sterilizing(消毒) towels and telling players not to share water bottles.
  In the meantime, 5.there’s not much that can be done for players who have the mumps except rest—which means staying off the ice. For now, fans will just have to wait until their favourite players recover and get back on their skates.
  1. 流行性腮腺炎是一种让人感到疲劳有时疼痛的疾病。
  2. It used to be quite a common childhood disease,
  3. someone shares food or a drink with someone else.
  4. 10多名选手感染了流行性腮腺炎。
  5. 除了休息,选手们没有什么办法。
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