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《诗经》四篇1、《伐檀》《伐檀》选自《诗经·魏风》.“魏风”是古魏国(今山西解县、芮城一带)的地方民歌.这是一首伐木者的歌.诗中写一群奴隶一边在河边伐木,一边对剥削者进行冷嘲热讽,揭露了他们不劳而获的本质,表现了奴隶们反剥削,反压迫的斗争精神.写作特点是:(1)体现了“饥者歌其食,劳者歌其事”的现实主义精神,以真实的劳动生活画面和奴隶们的冷嘲热讽,揭示了社会的本质.(2)采用了“兴”的表现手法,以河水的清澈可爱,反衬社会的黑暗,烘托奴隶们内心的不平.(3)采用重章叠句的方式,反复咏唱,充分抒发了奴隶们的愤慨情绪.(4)采用长短不齐的杂言句式,自由奔放地抒发感情,显示了民歌句式自由活泼的特点. “The Book of Songs” 1, “Cutting Tan” “Cutting Sandalwood” is selected from the “Book of Songs Wei Feng.” “Wei Feng” is the local folk song of the ancient Wei State (now Xie County, Shanxi Province). A song of the loggers. A group of slaves in the poem wrote on the edge of the river while they were logging. They ridiculed the exploiters, exposing the essence of their unearthed gains, demonstrating the struggle of the slaves to fight against exploitation and oppression. Writing features are: 1) It embodies the realistic spirit of “hungry people singing their food and working people singing ”. With the real picture of labor life and the cynicism of slaves, it reveals the nature of society. (2) Adopts “Xing” The expression technique of “” is clear and lovely in the river, contrasts the darkness of society, and expresses the inward feelings of the slaves. (3) The repeated use of verses and chants, fully expresses the indignation of the slaves. (4) ) Using confusing phrases and phrases to express feelings freely and unrestrainedly, showing the free and lively features of folk songs.
引理:若两个实数之和与另两个实数之和相等,那么差的绝对值较大的两数之积较小。证明:设a+b=c十d Lemma: If the sum of two real numbers is equal to the sum of the oth
这两年,我教高中语文,在教学中,发现第三册文言文中有六条注释,还有商榷的余地,现在我把商榷的意见写出来,聊作一孔之见,请同志们指正。 (一) 《孔雀东南飞》中的“供养卒大
对于△ABC,若AD与AB、AC分别交成角α_1、α_2,BE与BC、BA分别交成角β_1、β_2,CF与CA、CB分别交成角r_1、r_2。则AD、BE、CF共点于P 证明若AD、BE、CF共点于P,则由正弦定
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惊悚、悬疑、恐怖、犯罪……这些都是尽人皆知的畅销元素,但凡检点一下虚构类作品排行榜前几位的书,你就会清楚地知道,上述畅销元素是如何被运用得淋漓尽致,组成了多少扣人心弦、惊心动魄的故事。但是,很少有人意识到,在现代社会设计这类小说情节,有着越来越突出的困难。  可以肯定地说,一个故事要营造惊悚、刺激、恐怖的效果,离不开暴力、杀戮和死亡,而且越是血腥或残酷,效果往往越好。其实不单是惊悚小说,就是别的故
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