春节来临,“每逢佳节倍思亲”,在我心中始终思念着远在上海的《秘书》编辑部的领导和同志们。虽然素昧平生,从未谋过面,但《秘书》杂志把我们的心紧紧相系,友谊之情密密相融,使得我们之间情深谊浓。 《秘书》杂志有“秘书写,写秘书”、“情系秘书,服务秘书”的美名。我这个曾给她写过几篇稿子的作者,订有《秘书》刊物的读者也为之骄傲,深感光荣。《秘书》之所以深受广大读者欢迎,是与她“坚持以改革为中心,坚
Spring Festival is approaching, “Every Spring Festival times thinking pro”, in my heart always miss the “Secretary” in Shanghai, the editorial department leaders and comrades. Although she has never known her life, she has never seen a face in her life. However, Secretary magazine has closely linked our hearts with each other and with the close friendship and friendship between us. “Secretary” magazine has “secretaries write, write secretary”, “love secretary, secretary of service” reputation. I, the author of the few manuscripts she has written to her, and the readers of the “Secretary’s” magazine, are also proud and honored. The reason why the “Secretary” is well received by readers is that with her "adherence to reform as the center,