“房车”是境外对“运动汽车”(英文 Sports Car)的译名。房车在外型上与普通轿车一样,但对悬挂、内置安全装置有特殊要求,另外在车身前后加装扰流装置,且车内多余部分均可被拆除。房车赛属场地车赛一种。按发动机容积大小分 A 级(2000CC)以上、B 级(1300—2000CC)、C 级(850—1300CC)和 D 级(850CC 以下)四档。同样,房车赛也分 A、N 两组,前者为专业赛车,后者为市售车加以改装。“巡回赛”是英文 Touring Championships 的译文,指在一年内进行若干场有积分的比赛,在全部比赛结束后,以总积分多少决定总名次。由于各厂家的车型不一,发动机容积不同,所以无法有非常严格的分组。
“RV ” is the translation of “Sports Car” (English Sports Car). The exterior of a car is the same as that of an ordinary car, but there are special requirements for suspension and built-in safety devices. In addition, spoiler devices are installed on the front and back of the car body, and extra parts of the car can be removed. Race car race is a race car race. According to the size of the engine capacity A (2000CC) above, B (1300-2000CC), C (850-1300CC) and D (850CC below) fourth gear. Similarly, the car race is also divided into A, N two groups, the former professional racing, the latter for the car to be modified. “Tournament ” is a translation of English Touring Championships, referring to a number of points within a year of competition, at the end of the game, the total number of points to determine the total number of positions. Due to different manufacturers of different models, different engine volume, so there is no very strict grouping.