一、中学地理教学中渗透美育的作用和意义 由于高考制度的改革,取消了地理科目,致使不少学校的地理教学出现一些令人担忧的现象,许多学生对地理科学习动力不足,产生厌学情绪。在这种情况下,若能挖掘地理教材中的美育,运用到教学中,则能激发学生学习地理的兴趣,调动学生学习地理的积极性,对提高广大学生地理素质,培养有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义现代化建设需要的人才,具有积极的现实意义。同时对学生进行美育教育也是我们的一个重要方面,因而培养学生正确的审美观和鉴赏美、创造美的能力,也是教师应尽的职责。
I. The role and significance of infiltrating aesthetic education in geography teaching in middle schools As a result of the reform of the college entrance examination system, the elimination of geographical subjects has led to many worrying phenomena in the geography teaching of many schools. Many students have insufficient motivation to learn geography and produce tiredness. mood. Under this circumstance, if aesthetic education in geography textbooks can be tapped and used in teaching, students’ interest in learning geography can be stimulated, and students’ enthusiasm for learning geography can be mobilized. This will improve the geographical qualities of students and cultivate ideals and ethics. Talented people with a cultured and disciplined socialist modernization are of positive and practical significance. At the same time, it is also an important aspect of aesthetic education for students. Therefore, it is also the responsibility of teachers to cultivate students’ correct aesthetics and ability to appreciate beauty and create beauty.