一、概况贵阳矿山机械厂建筑地基(见附图)的表土为流动性淤泥质亚粘土,深7.5~8.0m,其下为可作天然地基的卵石层。原设计用爆扩桩做到卵石层,施工时发现爆扩桩钻孔不能成形,拟改用打入式预制钢筋混凝土桩,但施工机具和费用都有困难,且构件如预制屋架梁,吊车梁、工形柱及基础梁等均已吊至基础附近,难以打桩。后改用砖沉井深基础,共做了26个,获得了很好的效果,特整理成文,供作参考。二、砖沉井深基础设计实例 <一> 车间简况贵阳矿山机械厂机修车间是单层单跨钢筋混凝土工业厂房,厂房跨度18m,柱距6m,全长60m,吊车起重量为10t,轨高8m,屋架下弦标高10.6m,大型屋面板、拱形屋架,预制工形柱,杯形基础,基底1.5×2.0m、标高-1.50m。
I. Overview The topsoil of the Guiyang Mining Machinery Plant building foundation (see the attached figure) is a mobile silty sub-clay with a depth of 7.5 to 8.0 m. Below it is a pebble layer that can be used as a natural foundation. The original design used explosion-expanded piles to make a pebble layer. During construction, it was found that blasting and expanding drill holes could not be formed. It was proposed to use prefabricated reinforced concrete piles that were driven in. However, construction equipment and costs were difficult, and components such as prefabricated roof beams and cranes Beams, I-shaped columns and foundation beams have been hoisted near the foundation and are difficult to piling. After changing to the deep foundation of the brick caisson, a total of 26 were made, and very good results were obtained. The results were compiled and documented for reference. Second, examples of deep brick foundation design
The height of the truss at the bottom of the truss is 10.6m, with large roof panels, arched roof trusses, prefabricated columns, cup-shaped foundations, base 1.5×2.0m, and elevation −1.50m.
The height of the truss at the bottom of the truss is 10.6m, with large roof panels, arched roof trusses, prefabricated columns, cup-shaped foundations, base 1.5×2.0m, and elevation −1.50m.