Belt and Road harnessing mutual benefits

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  The second Belt and Road Forum for InternationalCooperation is held in Beijing from April 25-27. China hasgreatly advanced the initiative to improve infrastructure connectivitybetween Asia, especially China, and Europe and Africa by, amongother things, creating more public goods. That the BRI has expandedbeyond Eurasia shows China's efforts are yielding fruitful resultsacross more regions.
  While the idea of promoting infrastructure connectivity iswelcome, it requires huge amounts of resources to do so. To build amodern airport or a high-speed railway, we need large amounts offunds, which could be sourced from the World Bank or the AsianDevelopment Bank. But since China has helped establish the AsianInfrastructure Investment Bank specifically for this purpose, it iseasier to seek the required funds from it to build such infrastructurefacilities.
  It is equally important that those countries where suchfacilities are to be built contribute their share of the requiredresources, especially in large-scale projects. The East Coast RailLink in Malaysia is one such project. According to their extensiveconsultations and negotiations, Beijing and Kuala Lumpur agreedin 2016 to build a 688-kilometer high-speed railway along the eastcoast of Malaysia.
  After work was stopped on the project in July last year, KualaLumpur and Beijing have been re-negotiating in order to revisit theproject to make it more affordable for Malaysia in the short term.
  Based on the principle of consultation, co-construction andsharing, China and Malaysia have held cordial talks to review theproject, including some detouring and shortening of length, andcutting some ofthe cost.
  China has proposed the same principle to work in partnershipwith European countries. During Premier Li Keqiang's latest visitto Europe, China issued a joint statement with the European Union,and initiated investment agreements between the two sides. This is asignificant progress in seeking cooperation under the BRI frameworkthrough broadly defined partnerships.
  During President Xi Jinping's recent visits to Italy, Monaco andFrance, Italy became the first G7 country to sign a memorandumof understanding on infrastructure construction with China underthe BRI framework. Although Rome expects Beijing to be moretransparent with its financing sustainability aspects, it has made itclear that such concerns will not prevent it from cooperating withBeijing.
  Premier Li has further promoted China's cooperation with EUcountries based on mutual investment in order to usher in an erawhen the two huge markets would be more open to each other. Oncethat happens, both economies will benefit hugely, sending a strongmessage to the world that cooperation is the only way to increasemutual benefit. '
随着“一带一路”建设深入推进,特别是被习近平总书记称为“亚欧大陆互联互通的重要桥梁和‘一带一路’建设的早期成果”的义新欧中欧班列开通,一列列往返于义乌与欧洲各大城市之间的“钢铁驼队”,正是新时期丝路精神的生动写照,为“一带一路”建设的美好画卷添彩泼墨。沿线各国丰富商品开始快速进入我国人民的日常生活,欧洲高品质的各种红酒也摆上了寻常百姓的餐桌。  浙江省义乌市老火车站附近的集颜进出口有限公司高加索石
泰国是庙宇林立的千佛之国,信仰为上的微笑之国,其佛教建筑和艺术有着独特的风格。  应泰国国家旅游局的邀请,我踏上了泰国的世界文化遗产之旅,走进了素可泰和大城王朝的遗址。  素可泰被称为快乐开始的地方,是泰国的第一个首都,第一个独立王朝,也是泰文化的摇篮,泰国的文字、艺术、文化与法规,很多都是由素可泰时代开始创立的。遗址非常宁静,有逾百佛寺佛塔及逾千尊佛像,经过泰国政府及联合国教科文组织修葺,修复了
千百年来,川菜引无数食客竞折腰,川菜已走出寻常巷陌,登上大雅之堂,成为中国八大菜系之一。近年来川菜更是走出国门,美名远扬。2015年,德国总理默克尔在成都品尝了宫保鸡丁后,美食悦心,连连说出“very good”。  对大多数食客来讲,将一盘盘麻辣鲜香、滋味绝妙的川菜端上桌,再举筷入胃就完成了对菜品的品鉴仪式。很少有人会去了解一道道川菜从最早的原料出产到配料加工再到成品装盘到底是怎样的。其实,经历
老张其实并不老,但很黑,今年刚刚五十岁,正是人生最富有精力和经验的年龄。“老张”这个称呼始于何时已不可考,反正大家就这么叫开了。  1988年从成都理工大学工程地质专业毕业后,老张一直在中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司从事工程地质工作,先后参加了十多个重点项目的设计和配合施工工作。长年的野外工作,造就了老张的黑皮肤。  与莽原的较量  从2010年开始,老张就一直担任中老铁路磨丁至万象段的地质专业设计
4月27日,第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛圆桌峰会联合公报通过。公报涵盖高峰论坛达成的283项务实合作成果,该成果不仅奠定了新阶段共建“一带一路”的坚实基础,也绘就了未来携手同绘美丽丝路画卷的行动指南。  行胜于语,各方点赞。37国领导人率团参加本届高峰论坛;150多个国家和90多个国际组织的近5000位外宾出席。参会各方表达了对共建“一带一路”的支持,从参与者的角度证明了“一带一路”确实是当
“中国将采取一系列重大改革开放举措,加强制度性、结构性安排,促进更高水平对外开放。”在第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式的主旨演讲中,习近平主席宣布了“五个更”的重大举措,为新时代中国进一步扩大开放指明了路径,为中国与世界良性互动、共同繁荣发展带来了新机遇。  开放带来进步,封闭导致落后,不断扩大开放是中国发展奇迹的重要密碼。近年来,中国对外开放的步伐进一步加快,建设自贸区、举办首届中国国际
4月22日,《共建“一带一路”倡议:进展、贡献与展望》报告发布,用翔实的数据证实了共建“一带一路”倡议具备强大的生命力和影响力。报告同时指出,未来共建“一带一路”既面临诸多问题和挑战,更充满前所未有的机遇和发展前景。对此,参与“一带一路”的各方既要有心理准备,更要用实际行动进行回应。  中国在共建“一带一路”倡议中作出的贡献是非常突出的。从提出思路到“穿针引线”、带动策划、协助沟通、形成网络,中国
摘要:随着中国高铁“走出去”的战略,如何将高铁设计与当地相结合,提高设计效率,显得尤为重要。本文总结了俄罗斯铁路电气化专业初步设计的过程和要点,包括设计文件组成、设计流程、审查流程、电气化特殊设计等相关内容,以期对未来在该地区项目的牵引供电设计具有一定的指导作用。  关键词>>初步设计 设计文件组成 设计流程 审查流程 电气化特殊设计  一、引言  近年来,中国高速铁路技术成果和建设成就在国际社会
冬日的暖阳洒在绣房里,绣台上摆满荷包、领带、腕饰、钱包等彝族刺绣的作品,只见一缕缕神奇的彩色丝线在绣娘的指尖来回跳动,娴熟的绣法、精湛的技艺,仿佛在绣着一个只属于她们自己的梦。  “这是装框的马缨花绣片,这是电脑包的山茶花绣片,这是手提袋的绣片,在大城市好卖得很!”绣娘张琼芬高兴地说。在这里,每个彝族姑娘从会走路起就开始拿针学习刺绣,彝绣已深入到她们的血液中,而彝绣也正是云南省最亮丽的文化瑰宝。 
Convening nearly 40 foreign leaders and representatives frommore than 150 countries, the Second Belt and Road Forumfor International Cooperation, which opens in Beijing on April25, testifies to a grow