《大新县志》是早期出版的新志中一部比较好的志书。我在该志出版后不久就有幸拜读过 ,获益不浅。由于当时我忙于志稿的编写 ,未能对整部志书作深入研究 ,我只就该志的选材问题撰文给予评介 ,引起该志主编童健飞同志的高度重视 ,将我的拙文交《广西地方志》(1 989年第 5期 )发
“Daxin County,” is a newly published Chih-chung a better choreography. I had the privilege of reading it shortly after the publication of the book, benefiting much. Since I was busy with the compilation of the manuscripts at that time and failed to make an in-depth study of the whole book, I only gave an account of the article on the selection of the book, arousing great attention from Comrade Tong Jianfei, the chief editor of that book, (Issue 5, 1989)