目前 ,我国基础教育课程正在向纵深发展。 2 0 0 1年颁布的《语文课程标准 (实验稿 )》要求我们在语文教学的过程中 ,应当适应学生的情感发展 ,塑造学生美好的心灵 ,让学生受到美的熏陶。要做到这一点 ,我们必须从应试教学中解放出来 ,大胆地教会学生感悟语文 ,特别是感悟“人
At present, our basic education curriculum is developing in depth. The Chinese Curriculum Standards (Experimental Draft) promulgated in 2001 required us to adapt to the emotional development of students in the process of language teaching, and to shape the students’ beautiful hearts so that students can be influenced by beauty. To do this, we must liberate from the exam-oriented teaching, and boldly teach the students to perceive the language, especially the perception of "people.