患者邢某,女,18岁,汉族,学生。患者自幼体质差常感冒。自1980年10月起常感到头昏乏力,四肢发麻,视力模糊,有时突然眼前发黑继之昏厥,面色苍白,数分钟后好转。 1981年4月被一同学拿一条死蛇所吓,7月初考高中未被录取而生气,7月下旬感冒后精神状态异常。表现到处乱跑,脾气大,爱生气,爱哭。有打人骂人毁物行为,以打骂父母为主,骂人多为下
Xing patients, female, 18 years old, Han nationality, students. Patients with poor physical health often cold. Ever since October 1980 often feel dizzy, numbness, blurred vision, sometimes suddenly followed by black eyes, fainting, pale, improved after a few minutes. In 1981 April by a student to take a dead snake scared, high school in early July was not admitted to high school students, in late July after a cold mental state abnormalities. Performance running around, temper, love angry, crying. There are people who scold people to destroy the act, to fight abuse of parents, curse people mostly under