In the past, our right-wing paralysis thought was more serious. Many comrades have underestimated the serious danger of the sabotage activities carried out by the current counterrevolutionists and believe that “the small fish can not turn the tide over.” Therefore, instead of considering the anti-racist education of patriotism as a regular political and ideological education, we think it is only a matter of state and public security departments that has nothing to do with education or with students. Some teachers even think that “today’s education in patriotism is to infect students with the image of heroes in socialist construction.” It is “out of date” to expose the darkness of the reactionary rule and the enemy’s sin. However, some Chinese teachers have even scratched the surface of teaching materials such as “night”, “last lecture” and “crying for more than one”, which have profound anti-patriotism education contents. After studying the anti-Semitic struggle and the relevant editorials of the September People’s Education and other relevant documents, teachers gradually corrected the misconceptions mentioned above, recognized the anti-racist patriotic education,