中国的玻璃制造技术,人们普遍认为,是在公元五世纪左右由西方引进的。故而,从敦煌一座汉代古墓出土的玻璃耳珰,便被认定是西方产品经丝绸之路输入的。在敦煌博物馆,当人们看到标有“汉代玻璃耳珰”的展出文物时,都不禁惊异地提问:“耳珰是什么?汉代中国有自制玻璃吗?” 1982年,在敦煌南湖乡因被盗而开掘的一座汉墓(公元前206——公元220年)中,出土了几件玻璃耳珰。墓主身份不详,棺盖已朽化,出土时的情况是,耳珰与一些石珠、珍珠、琥珀珠等装饰
China’s glass manufacturing technology, it is generally believed that it was introduced by the West around the fifth century AD. Therefore, glass earrings excavated from an ancient Han dynasty in Dunhuang were deemed as imported from the Silk Road by Western products. In the Dunhuang Museum, people could not help but wonderfully asked questions when they saw the relics on display at the “Ear of Glass in the Han Dynasty.” What is the earmuffs? Did the Han Dynasty China have self-made glass? "In 1982, A tomb was excavated in a Han tomb (206 BC - 220 AD), unearthed a few pieces of glass ridges. The identity of the tomb owner is unknown, the coffin cover has been deteriorated, unearthed when the situation is, otter and some stone beads, pearl, amber beads and other decorations