An Overview and Thinking on CALL

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  Abstract: the paper introduces the current situation of CALL study abroad and in China. As the only CALL study journal in China, CAFEL is introduced too. There are differences between CALL researches abroad and in China. More effort of CALL scholars should be endeavored to build CALL to the direction of as discipline. And the awareness of publication in international authoritative journals should be enhanced by Chinese scholars.
  Key words: CALL CAFLE discipline
  Computer-Assistant Language Learning (CALL) originates from America. The research and achievements in America are also in a leading position in the world. Warschauer (2000) divided the development of CALL into three stages. The first stage was from 1970s to 1980s as Structural CALL. The second stage was from 1980s to 1990s as Communicative CALL. The third stage refers to 21st century as an integration stage of CALL.
  In January 2004, College English Curriculum Requirements (Trail) was issued by Ministry of Education, which clearly proposed the reform of college English teaching. As described by the Ministry of Education, the reform has three parts, the second of which is the reform of teaching mode. “Change the teaching mode of relying solely on textbooks, chalks, blackboard, teachers’ speaking and students’ listening to a personalized and proactive teaching mode by integrate computer, especially the internet, educational software and teaching.” Since then, multimedia technology began being used in the college English classroom in a large scale.
  1. CALL study abroad.
  CALL can be traced back to the 60s of the last century. In the 90s of the last century, worldwide organization “WorldCALL” emerged with the rapid spread of personal computers, network technology and multimedia technology. “WorldCALL” is actually a loosely organized academic organization newly established in 1998. Its members include EUROCALL, CALICO, AULC, ELC, LET, CERCLES and ATELL. Associations have close ties with it also include APACALL, AsiaCALL Korea, IndiaCALL and PACCALL. From which it can be seen that the WorldCALL covers a wide area and range.
  CALL associations around the world organize the international CALL seminars regularly and have their permanent sites, publications and academic journals. Numerous research articles are published annually and some representative research articles have been published as collected papers. In addition, some professional research journals of CALL appeared, such as ALSIC, Athelstan Newsletter, CALICO Journal, CALL, CALL-EJ, ALL Review, IJCALLT and so on. Numerous practical CALL applications are developed.   There are a number of scholars have been trying to carry out disciplinary research on CALL and constantly summarize the educational principles, research filed, objectives, methods, evaluation and research paradigm of CALL. A group of foreign scholars, with Warschauer, M. & Healey, D.(1998)、Carol Chapelle(2000)、Joy L. Egbert(2005)、Mike levy(1997,1999,2006,2010)、 Robert Debsky(2003)、Robert J. Blake(2007)、Thomas S. C. Farrell(2001)、Philip Hubbard(2008)、Yong Zhao(2003,2005) as the representatives, respectively write articles on CALL so research of it goes deeper constantly. Driven on by their study, CALL research under the international vision is gradually becoming more mature. Their periodical and representative views are summarized as followed. First, the hotspot of CALL or foreign language education technology research is the balanced relationship between the various elements of it. Computer technology should no longer be secondary and subordinate to foreign language education. They two should be mutually condition and interdependent to each other. The relationship between them is a kind of ecological integration. Second, the use of computer technology should be a normalization of language teaching but no a marginal application such as the use of blackboards and textbooks in today’s teaching. This is consistent to the first point of view (Stephen Bax, 2003). In addition, the application of new technologies should be paid attention, such as computer-mediated communication (including synchronous SCMC and non-synchronous ACMC), use of Web 2.0 in teaching, applications of learning software such as wireless communication technology and virtual worlds and its impact to teaching paradigm. Finally, the development of teaching subject or computer literacy should be paid attention.
  The updates and progresses of these ideas will no doubt greatly enrich and improve the world CALL research and even the theoretical system of Chinese foreign language teaching technology study. CALL has made great progress as an academic field. As the well-known Hubbard predicted, CALL will develop to the direction of “Web 2.0, a more participatory version of the web”, “Mobile language learning” and “Virtual world” in the field of teacher training, learner autonomy, online learning, intelligent learning and teaching evaluation (Hubbard, P, 2009).
  2. Domestic research on CALL
  The first CALL seminar in China, National CALL Committee, did not enter the field of view of international organizations after the establishment due to very littler substantive academic activities and has gradually disappeared. But the good news is that the ChinaCALL was formally established under the China English Language Education Organization in 2012 and has continuously sponsored international and domestic academic conferences for three years.   Research of CALL in universities, primary and secondary schools began to develop as the informationalization of education in China. But researches on CALL domestic have its own historical limitations. Most of the researchers on CALL are foreign language teachers in college whose major is language but not technology so they do not have sufficient technology basis at the first place. Another group of researchers were majoring audio-visual industry who know litter about foreign language teaching and basically have no capabilities of systemic curriculum development. But the special situation of domestic university foreign language teaching is the computer-based information transformation. This dramatically promoted the CALL. Reform of computer information technology using in college English teaching was as early as in 1999, but this reform did not achieve the desired results on the whole.
  Fortunately, the journal Computer-assisted Foreign Language Education (CAFLE) provides a platform for the exchange of scientific research. CAFLE is not only a platform for publication of articles on CALL by Chinese CALL researcher, but also hold various national academic conferences and related lectures and reports. It gathered the CALL research forces and related resources and builds a separate platform for CALL study in China.
  What is more exciting is that some other journals in field of foreign languages have also published CALL related articles with more and more scholars’ starting their research on CALL. This have increased the supporting degree to CALL, expanded the scope of China CALL research groups, improved the public awareness to CALL and promoted the emergence and development of Educational Technology as a discipline.
  CAFLE is the only journal that about CALL study (or should be accurately described as E-education of Foreign Languages) in China. Its development history basically represents the development of informationalization of China foreign language education in the last decades.
  3. thinking on CALL
  3.1Discipline or not?
  Just as an auxiliary practice to foreign language teaching, CALL did not build any major improvement as a discipline in the world wide. Philip Hubbard (2009) believed that CALL is just a research field. He argued in his book Critical Concepts in Linguistics that “Computer assistant language learning is both exciting and frustrating as a field of research and practice.” Though there are a few scholars (Johann G. & Judith K. 2002, Marina D. 2005) mentioned in their works that CALL is a discipline, even though the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages published by Educational Information Technology Department of UNESCO (UNNESCO Moscow, 2004) pointed out that there are schools in many countries regard CALL as a “subject discipline” or “across disciplines”, most of the research or analysis inherited the Western Empirical research tradition to study CALL as a practice but not do much “disciplinary construction”.   The author believes that the theory of CALL should be integrated as a system and in combination with Educational Technology as a discipline even as a part of it. More effort of CALL scholars should be endeavored to build CALL to the direction of as discipline.
  3.2Imperfection of domestic CALL research
  Some achievements on CALL were acquired in the past ten years, but several imperfections should be noticed. (1).The organization is a state of relative dispersion. They are still two parts of CALL scholars: foreign language teachers and audio-visual support staff. (2).Non-specialized research. These two parts do not know the professional knowledge in each other’s field. Foreign language teachers are essentially self-taught without little specific guidance from computer science majors. (3).No specific achievements appear. Most scholars deviate from the direction of what they should do. Management and R & D personnel of audio-visual system do not study the auxiliary design of teaching content in a specific classroom environment, but provide some construction of teaching equipment. Researchers majoring foreign languages are just doing study in the field of Computational Linguistics such as corpus linguistics, computer discourse analysis, computer testing and evaluation. The technological development and design of language teaching is the most critical aspects of CALL. But it is neglected and become the profitable commodity of some companies and social institutions. This kind of spontaneous and sporadic development is non-academic, non-professional and cannot become a system. It is seriously out of line with the curriculum and the classroom suitability fluctuated. This lacking of individuality and creativity is greatly influenced the function of CALL.
  3.3CAFLE and CALL
  Computer-assisted Foreign Language Education is not a pure CALL research journal, which can be seen from its name. CAFLE is based on the central concept of the “Foreign Language Education” and it is also their self-positioning. Big differenced exist between concepts of CAFLE and CALL which based on “Language Learning”. From the perspective of research object, CALL is broader. It can cover all languages. CALL research is more specific than CAFLE from the perspective of research content. It pays more attention to the some technical elements such as tools, methods, processed and environment of language learning. But on the other hand, the research objects of CAFLE are foreign languages which do not include native or second language. The research content of CAFLE is “Language Education” which is broader than “Learning”. It covers not only teaching of language skills and knowledge but also education and cultivation of language culture and ideas to the foreign language learner. Research on textbooks, pedagogics, curriculum, discipline and other content are also concluded. This is the difference between domestic CALL research purpose and abroad.   3.4Domestic CALL scholars
  He-Su Yin (2011) analyzed the authors of articles in Language Learning & Technology which is an international authoritative journal on CALL. There are only 6 articles by Chinese scholar (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) were published in those 13 years in the founding of Language Learning & Technology. There scholars are Chi-Fen Emily Chen& Wei-Yuan Eugene Cheng (2006) of National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology in Taiwan, Mei-Ya Liang (2010) of National Central in Taiwan, Huifen Lin& Tsuiping Chen (2007) of Kun Shan University of Technology in Taiwan, David Nunan (1999) of Hong Kong University, Wang Lixun (2001) of the Open University of Hang Kong. The only scholar in mainland is Jinghui Wang (2008) of Harbin University of Science and Technology which is not included among the above 6 ones because he is the second author of that article.
  It is not difficult to find that our country, as the largest foreign language learning country with the most English teachers in the world, has little contribution in the international CALL journal Language Learning & Technology. On the one hand, the possible reason is that some domestic CALL scholars submitted their articles to some other international publications. But it is undeniable that many domestic researches just go along with the theoretical study abroad, especially in CALL related research. Many studies are repeated work. They just introduce the theory abroad and then placed it in China’s environment and use it on China students. This is just a verification of theories abroad. On the other hand, many of researchers of China are lack of innovation, which leads to the difficulty of publications on international authoritative journals. Furthermore, team of researchers engaged in CALL (technique supporting language learning) in not strong enough, most of them study alone without in-depth communication between each other. Finally, domestic scholars need enhance their awareness of publication in international journals. Some of achievements on CALL in China are good enough but lack of scholars’ awareness of foreign publication contribution and some scholars even think the translation work are too troublesome.
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【摘 要】在人力资源会计确认与计量的理论基础上,运用层次分析法,从货币性和非货币性角度,来区分人力资本计量指标的重要程度,为企业构造衡量人力资本激励程度的指标体系及精确计量人力资本提供依据。  【关键词】人力资源会计;计量;层次分析法  引言  伴随着经济全球化与知识经济时代的到来,人力资源的重要性越来越受到企业的关注。人力资源如何确认、计量以及如何将人力资源会计纳入传统会计体系中是值得研究的一个
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