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  这场演出由NYCNext(纽约市未来)策划主导。这个刚刚崭露头角的志愿团体,因为如今的时局,这帮人有的是空闲时间。他们专门安排同样有着大把空闲时间的职业演员或歌手走到一起,目的是自发地为纽约市各个地区的群众带来一些欢乐。除了佩戴着口罩面罩,以及保持社交距离外,这个情景令我联想起1930年代的好莱坞歌舞电影中的一幕——朱迪·加兰(Judy Garland)与米奇·鲁尼(Mickey Rooney)在银幕上一起喊道:“来,让我们演一场好戏吧!”


  所以,我在一个寒冷的周三清早起床,徒步至大都会艺术博物馆。此前几个小时,大都会歌剧院宣告舞台管理人员停工——类似于罢工的停工,是院方发起不容许员工继续工作——歌剧院也强调,院方正在跟乐团与合唱团洽商,希望他们同意类似的减薪计划。很有可能,那些在博物馆石阶上欢聚一堂兴高采烈的歌唱家们,在不久的将来会面临失业。   可是在那段音樂荡漾的15分钟里,一切都无关紧要了。这个早上举行的庆祝活动让合唱团员可以在节日气氛下重逢,也为过路的民众带来短暂的节庆娱乐。正如我所说,这算不上是什么正规演出,但是,在此时,能够遇上现场演出,我们已经很满足了。
  As live performances go, it wasn’t much. A dozen singers from the Metropolitan Opera Chorus gathered on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art for a three-song, 15-minute set of holiday music. Truth be told, it was really more of a press event than an actual concert.

  The initiative came from NYCNext, an upstart organization of volunteers with lots of extra time now on their hands who specialize in gathering performers with lots of extra time now on their hands and spreading spontaneous cheer around New York. It all sounds like something from 1930s Hollywood, with Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney crying, “Hey, let’s put on a show.” Except with surgical masks and social distance.

  Underneath the cheery holiday portrait, though, was a starker background. From the beginning of this year’s Covid pandemic, observers have noted two things: (1) that both the virus and the resulting lockdowns have affected different people differently; and (2) that the worst problems have simply reinforced inequalities and other troubles that were already present. The Met Museum, its doors shuttered for more than six months this year, is now reopened for a limited number of visitors each day. The Met Opera, which likewise closed in mid-March, has already announced and cancelled a couple of reopenings. Whether the Opera House will really open again in September 2021 as currently planned remains to be seen. Beneath the syrupy joy of hearing the Met Chorus was the bittersweet realization that this was the first time the singers had performed together—perhaps even seen each other in person—in nearly nine months.
  So why is one Met open and not the other? See (1) and (2) above.
  Let’s start with the big picture. There are essentially three categories of companies and employees out there: “essential” workers who need to show up for work regardless of the health concerns, the lucky few who still have jobs but can work from home, and people whose entire world has shut down completely. In that last camp we find cultural workers, many restaurants and pretty much anyone in the travel industry.

  The problem becomes clearer when we get to(2). Even within those troubled industries, not all members are in the same position. Some have cash reserves (or lacking that, access to big donors); others exist from production to production. Some have a firm, inflexible model; others are much more limber. The Met Museum can, at least for now, offer essentially the same experience as before (arguably even better, since smaller crowds means easier access to the artworks). The Met Opera House is still closed—Lincoln Center holds the keys to the building—but even if the company could reopen to the public, everything about the operagoing experience would have to be retooled.   Unlike a museum, which has all its exhibitions up at the same time, the Met changes its productions nightly. Also, there’s a big difference in personal exposure between walking through a museum and sitting in a seat for two hours. Even if audiences are carefully spaced in the hall there’s still intermission mingling to contend with. Stage productions, too, would need to conform to Covid protocols for performers and backstage workers, and few existing productions would make the cut.

  Again, not all institutions are created equal. When indoor dining was first banned, the restaurants that could convert their kitchens efficiently for takeout and delivery did a brisk business. The Met, its main dining room closed, seemed to follow suit with free HD streams each night, cornering the operatic market in home delivery. (By now, though, the Met has run through its menu a couple of times and is now serving the same meals again and again.)
  Back in late spring, as the first Covid wave was calming down, restauranteurs around the US seemed to be in agreement: They could close and reopen their kitchen once, but shutting down again would effectively kill their business. Now that indoor dining in New York has been suspended a second time, we’ll see that premise put to the test.
  In New York, the cultural sector has not had to deal with that particular problem. The two-thirds of museums that have reopened are still open, but as far as classical music is concerned, the city—unlike Madrid, Milan or even smaller US cities where orchestras and opera companies have found ways to perform live—remains closed. While museums remain in a holding pattern, wondering how long they can survive with 25 percent occupancy, performing arts organizations have started taking drastic measures. Musicians at the New York Philharmonic, who had been receiving 75 percent of their base pay since May, agreed to a 25 percent pay cut for the next three years. At the Met, where some stagehands were already building the sets for six new productions in the 2021–22 season, negotiations over a new contract broke down over the company’s demands for a 30 percent salary reduction for many of its employees.
  Hence the impasse: artist unions fear that these reductions could long outlast the Covid pandemic; companies complain that that even when the virus retreats it will take years for box-office income to return to pre-pandemic levels. Both are probably right.   Institutions and industries may not all be equal, but they’ve become tremendously interrelated. One reason we can’t make reliable predictions about particular segments of the economy is that they don’t exist in a vacuum. Vaccine or not, live performances won’t come back until we have stability in the restaurant and travel industries, as well as other entertainment sectors. A healthy Met will need Broadway. Broadway needs tourism. And really, what is “dinner and a show” without dinner?
  So that, essentially, is how I happened to get up early and make it to the Met Museum on a chilly Wednesday morning. A few hours earlier, news had broken that the battle with Met stagehands had wound up in an employee lockout—a work stoppage similar to a labor strike, but instead initiated by management—and that the company was seeking similar concessions from orchestra players and, yes, members of the chorus. There was a very real possibility that the singers gathered so happily on the museum steps would soon no longer have a job.
  But for those 15 minutes, none of that mattered. The morning festivity was as much of a holiday reunion for the singers as it was a brief holiday diversion for passersby. As I said, it wasn’t much of a concert, but at this point we’ll all take what we can get.
作为戏剧工作者,大概没有人不知道田汉,或者说,不应该不知道田汉。  身为国人,更不应该不知道田汉,不应该不知道他就是国歌的词作者。我套用《黄河大合唱》开篇的朗诵词,表达一下我对田汉的敬仰:如果你已经忘记了田汉的话,那么,就来看上海歌剧院的新作《田汉》吧!  以田汉的故事为素材的舞台剧,这不是第一部。远的不说,两年前的湖南省艺术节,获得“田汉新剧目奖”的戏中,就有一部以田汉为主角的湘剧,名《田老大》
刘颖途(作曲、编曲、音乐总监)与张飞帆(编剧、作词)前后花了7年时间打造的香港本地原创粤语音乐剧《一水南天》,是香港舞蹈团与演戏家族两个专业艺术剧团,继13年前音乐剧《边城》之后再度合作的制作,亦是在康文署辖下的演艺场馆因疫情关停5个月后,于疫情和缓的6月底有条件“复演”的首个大型演艺节目。  戏优于歌 歌优于舞  《一水南天》不仅是香港疫后复演的首出大型音乐剧制作,同时,整出音乐剧从创作到诞生的
意大利13世纪旅行家马可·波罗的传奇故事,在中国舞台上曾被反复演化为艺术作品。中央歌剧院1991年7月首演四幕歌剧《马可·波罗》(王世光作曲,胡献廷、王世光编剧)深受业界高度评价,同年荣获文化部优秀新剧目一等奖、作曲奖等多个奖项;翌年再获文化部“文华大奖”“作曲奖”。自 1994年参加第4届中国艺术节、1998年赴我国台湾省台北市公演之后,2020年10月22日以音乐会新版重登舞台。深秋之夜,中央
小瓊:最近,一些有远见的团体给年轻艺术家们设计了一些方案,帮助他们在备受新冠疫情打击的当下来充分发挥自身才能。弹射歌剧团(Catapult Opera)是纽约新兴的歌剧团体之一,8月下旬,其宣布创办的“加速比赛”项目反响非常热烈!  小薇:根据官网(www.catapultopera.org)的介绍,本次比赛的目的旨在“激发在保持社交距离的前提下表演形式的创新”。参赛团队必须从四段5分钟长的歌剧选
“白洋淀雁翎队从1939年成立到1945年配合主力解放新安城,由30多人发展到100多人。雁翎队利用水上和冰上优势,与敌人交战70余次,仅牺牲8人,却击毙、俘获了日伪军近千人,缴获了大量军火和军用物资,在中国抗日战争史上书写了精彩的一页。”  这段文字是民族歌剧《雁翎队》尾声时显示在帷幕上的,也正是这段文字,让我更深刻地理解了这部歌剧在故事之外所要体现的思想内涵。2020年9月25日,民族歌剧《雁
关于剧本  歌剧《田汉》以人物传记体的结构方式,聚焦人物青年时代的经历,表现了一个艺术家在民族存亡的历史时期做出的选择,由一个自由主义的艺术家,成长为一个坚定的共产党人,在共和国的历史上烙印了永恒,给音乐史上留下了最动人心魄的记忆。  这又是一个涉及选择的命题。剧作家在19年的故事书写中,让我们看到了田汉人生的选择,是面对剧烈痛彻的家国之恨的选择,也是一个民族做出的必然选择。灵魂的归宿在家与国的山