Research on the Application of Creative Photography in Advertising

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  Nowadays,the traditional hawking business marketing model has been eliminated by the times. The public is more inclined to accept the advertising model with good visual effects,even the form of advertising and its marketing model are greater than the product itself,which can be seen in commercial advertising. The importance of creative thinking. This article makes a detailed analysis of the application of creative photography in commercial advertising and the usual expression techniques.
  1. An overview of creative photography
  The so-called creative photography is a form of subjective photography with creative thinking,that is,using photography technology as the basic carrier,the creative realization of the artistic concept of the creative subject,supplemented by post-processing software. Creative photography is an art with very high technical and artistic requirements. It requires creative ideas,superb photography techniques,and clear processing thinking from the creator.
  2. Commonly used expression techniques of creative photography in commercial advertising
  (1)Enhanced features
  In particular,it emphasizes the typical characteristics of the product in order to maximize the effect of its product power. Most of them use late-stage software to make reasonable and legal exaggeration,which is the most commonly used creative means in commercial advertising.
  Symbolization is to use certain elements or the related structure of the product itself to form a product-related symbol. This symbol must be completely related to the theme of the commercial advertisement,otherwise it will have the side effect of overwhelming the audience.
  (3)Deconstruction and reconstruction
  Deconstruction and reconstruction is the creative method of re-disordering and reorganizing two or more subjects. These objects generally have similar characteristics in appearance and structure. In the deconstruction and reconstruction of advertisements,computer processing software is often used to divide,break up,and combine elements subjectively. For example,the advertisement of Chery Automobile combines the front face of the automobile with the human mouth to achieve a positive publicity effect.
  (4)Celebrity effect
  Since it is a commercial advertisement,it is inevitable that the celebrity's own fan traffic is indispensable. With the help of celebrity effect to bring a positive image to the product,coupled with the creative picture and line design,the product is self-evident persuasive.   (5)Contrast contrast
  Contrast makes the image of the product more vivid and gives people a stronger feeling. Take the other to show this,which is often encountered in commercial advertising. For example,when Coca-Cola is competing with PepsiCo in business,we can often find that the two companies use contrasting images to contrast their own superiority. This is a typical case of using contrast to promote merchandise. There are many similar cases.
  3. Conclusion
  Creative photography occupies half of the commercial advertising with its unique position. As an avant-garde in the field of photography,creative photography has been continuously exploring,and creative intervention in commercial advertising will continue. The development of computers will inevitably lead to the continuous development of creative photography,which indirectly promotes the development of commercial advertising. The application value of creative photography in commercial advertising is the best fit point of creative photography so far. It not only displays the product itself to the public,but also has the function of entertaining the public. I believe that the form of creative photography in advertising will become more and more abundant in the near future.
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