Research on Interaction Design of Media Products

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  【Abstract】: when we use a connected to the broadband network of the latest computer Internet, we pay little attention to how fast speed, the computer processing speed has much faster. Little attention was given to web design beautiful, will only put much attention in our current "task". Only in the completion of the "task" encountered in the process and expectation does not match the "block", will be conscious attention to product performance and design, such as when the page is too large, loading too slow will bring bad user experience, and even give up the operation. And interaction design is by means of design to meet even beyond user expectations value, to reduce the obstacles, let do not feel in the use of a product and complete operational needs, which is the best interaction design to the user a good experience.
  【Keywords】: Media product  User experience  Interaction Design
  In any product, a good user experience is the most important to meet the user's expectations and provide high quality content. In the interactive design of media products, we divide the "high quality" into the following three dimensions.
  First, the content of the inner qualities: including the content creation process in a variety of variables, such as the topic of news stories, articles writing level, photo shooting set level of video quality, such as, this content quality core.
  Second, the content of the presentation quality: mainly the user's consumption or use of the content of the performance of the form, such as the readability of the text, the image of the quality of the display, the definition of the video. In this part of the quality control, interaction designers and visual designers play a decisive role.
  Third, the visibility of the content: let the content requires appropriate occasions discoveries, and consumption, such as in the event for the first time through the mobile client push send live reports, at the end of the week through the PC client released depth analysis.
  To make the following three points research on the interactive needs of the media products.
  First, let the information content to move up
  Users of picture information reception ability is higher than the ability to receive text messages, but only use the picture to convey information is not completely or not in detail. So improve the information read and accept the effect of treatment in the most simple way is the graphic of the combination of the method presented is still in text narration, with traditional writing manuscript compared force has been enhanced, but the advantage is still not so obvious. Therefore, in order to better convey the information content can be assisted comic flow display, so that the development trend of information time and the process at a glance.   Next is the design of the interactive level, we can use a pure mouse scroll to read, scroll bar for the time axis of the scene control display. This interaction is clear, simple and convenient, and there is no other interference to read the link, the reading experience is pure and novel.
  Second, responsive interaction design
  The interaction designer must be aimed at the limitation of different physical space when designing the interactive behavior, which is the starting point of the response design. In response to the design, we will be based on the use of different users of different devices, the size of the window to design the same product experience. Responsive design can usually be carried out on the page layout in two ways.
  1, mobile priority principle: designers need to adapt to the needs of the most narrow screen width design of the foundation plate, and then on the basis of the layout, in order to design a wider screen layout.
  2, big screen priority principle: Contrary to the mobile first, the designer first design the most wide format, to design a smaller screen layout.
  These two ways may seem similar, but in fact reflects the idea is completely different. In the first design principles for mobile, because based format is the optimization of the small screen, on the initial content of logic, simple have higher requirements, so it is suitable for simple logic and clear chromatography products. Under the principle of giving priority to the big screen, the basic format to engage more fully the screen space, the way is more abundant, odd jobs, but in the end small screen version may there will be more losses, more suitable for the main user groups on the PC side products.
  Third, horizontal scrolling page
  Horizontal scrolling in the web designer group has been a controversial topic. Famous user experience expert Nielsen Jacob in 2002 will be "horizontal scroll" judges "ten big Web design errors" one of the reasons, including the user line of sight more concentrated in the left side of the page, the horizontal scroll bar is difficult to operate, etc..
  In the horizontal scroll control mechanism, the traditional horizontal scroll bar because of its dependence on the mouse drag, has been proved to be. Through the analysis of the five control methods, to improve the availability of different platforms.
  1, the mouse wheel: remove the vertical scroll, the user can use the mouse wheel to switch horizontal page module. This is the most convenient and direct control mechanism, but it is not easy to be found.
  2, control arrow: on each page of the left and right sides of the button can control the switch before and after the page.
  3, thumbnail and content navigation: in the image content page, the user can expand the thumbnail, you can also navigate through the top of the contents of the corresponding module.
  4, the keyboard direction key: the user can through the keyboard or so key to control the switch before and after the page.
  5, sliding gesture: on the touch screen, the user can switch to the front and back through the sliding gesture page.
  In the interactive design of media products, for the first time to be "user centric", all products are to meet the core needs of users and the use of the process to get a good user experience.
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