一说明: 1932年10月,鄂豫皖根据地的红四方面军主力向西转移。1933年1月进入川北,开辟了川陕根据地。留在鄂豫皖边区的地方武装组成红二十五军。 1932年10月,湘鄂西根据地由红二军团缩编的红三军渡江西移。1933夏,到达湘鄂川黔边界地区。 1932年秋,湘鄂赣根据地的红十八师南下进入湘赣区,1933年6月与红十七师(由湘赣红八军改编)合编为红六军团。 1934年7月,寻淮洲、粟裕等领导红七军团改编为北上抗日先遣队由赣南根据地出发北上。11月进入赣东北根据地,与方志敏领导的红十军合编为红十军团,继续北上。1935年1月,在江西怀玉山失利,余部进入浙闽地区开展游击战争,成为后来抗日战争时期新四军的组成部分。
First, a note: In October 1932, the military forces of the Red Fourth Army base in Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces shifted westwards. January 1933 into the North Sichuan, opened up Sichuan and Shaanxi base. The local armed forces remaining in the border area of Hubei, Henan and Anhui formed the Twenty-fifth Army. In October 1932, the Red Army, which was reduced by the Red Army Corps, crossed the western Jiangxi in western Hunan, Hubei and western regions. The summer of 1933, arrived in Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou border areas. In the autumn of 1932, the Red 18th Division of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi bases entered the Hunan-Jiangxi District southward. In June 1933, it was compiled with the Red Seventeen Division (adapted from the Red Army of Hunan, Jiangxi and Jiangxi) into the Red Army. July 1934, looking for Huai Chau, Su Yu and other leaders of the Hongqi Corps adapted for the advance anti-Japanese team north from Gannan base departure north. In November to enter the northeastern Jiangxi base area, and the Red Army led by Fang Zhimin co-edited Red Army Corps, continue north. In January 1935, in Huaiyushan, Jiangxi Province was defeated and the remainder entered the area of Zhejiang and Fujian for guerrilla warfare. It became an integral part of the New Fourth Army during the anti-Japanese war.