目的:了解我院老年科护工手卫生知识掌握状况及洗手依从性。方法应用自行设计的调查问卷,对在老年科工作的56名护工进行手卫生知识及洗手依从性调查。结果多数护工对手卫生知识缺乏,对洗手的重要性认识不够,洗手技术执行率低。结论护工的手卫生对控制医院感染有着重要的意义,管理者应加强护工手卫生监督管理,重视护工手卫生知识的培训,强化护工洗手意识,有效控制医院感染。“,”Objective To survey the understanding of hand health knowledge and handwashing compliance in nurse attendents of geriatrics department .Methods Investigations of hand health knowledge and handwashing compliance were car‐ried out with self‐made questionnaire in 56 nurse attendents of geriatrics department .Results Most of nurse attendents were short of hand health knowledge ,didn’t pay attention to handwashing ,and execu‐tion rate of handwashing skill was low .Conclusion Hand health of nurse attendents is of great signifi‐cance to control the hospital infection ,managers should strengthen hand hygiene supervision and manage‐ment of nurse attendents ,pay attention to the training of hand hygiene knowledge ,and strengthen hand‐washing consciousness in order to control hospital infection effectively .