The Analysis of Metaphor from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics

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  【Abstract】Recently, many scholars have attached much importance on the study of metaphors and extensive research has been conducted on it. Among all the studies, the most common one is metaphor study in the field of linguistics, which is the cognitive basis of language research. Based on in-depth analysis and demonstration, this thesis try to analysis metaphor from the perspective of cognitive linguistics.
  【Key words】metaphor; cognitive linguistics; language research

1. Introduction

  Metaphor is normally taken as a rhetorical figure of speech which used for one word to replace another so that a likeness or analogy between them can be shown. In traditional metaphor study, it is worked as a linguistic phenomenon which reflects human cognitive process by linking the concrete experiences and abstract concepts.

2. The Definition of Metaphor

  Originating from the Greek word “metapherein”, metaphors got the implication of “transition” and “reservation”. For Aristotle, metaphor is formed by replacing one vocabulary belonging to one category with another word belonging to another genus.

3. The Function of Metaphor

  3.1 Linguistic function
  Metaphor is an important means in the development of language who is aiming at increasing exactness and vividness. If there is a lack of a word expressing a concept in everyday language, people will often use the vocabulary that describes the same shape or function as a temporary substitute from the existing vocabulary.
  3.2 Poetic function
  The Metaphor noticed the similarity between two disparate things so that the reader can get an immediate image of objects. A metaphor can undoubtedly help readers creating a colourful image in their minds. Metaphor is the product of the poet’s thinking as well as the reader’s thinking.
  3.3 Cognitive function
  As the basic manner of cognitive, metaphor plays an important role in our ways of thinking and verbal expressions. Meanwhile, most of the basic concept in human language is metaphorical. Thus, it also provided a new perspective for us to look at the world around us.

4. An Analysis of Metaphor from the Cognitive Perspective

  In 1980, the publication of metaphors we lived by co-written by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson marked the milestone of metaphor study from the cognitive perspective. In this book, Lakoff and Johnson(1980) proposed that metaphor is ubiquitous in our daily life, not only in language, but also in thoughts and behaviors. Being a cognitive instruments, a metaphor means that it is not just a way of expressing ideas by means of language, but a way of thinking about things. Metaphor transferred the structure,the internal relations or the logic of a cognitive model. Metaphor is a kind of cognitive mode of human being to the objective world and a reaction of cultural background. As a universal principle in language, it is the product of human perception in a metaphorical way.   Let’s take the metaphor concept “time is money” for example, though which we could have a look at the way metaphor influences or even controls people’s daily life.
  A. Don’t wasting time, hurry up!
  B. I don’t have enough time to spare for that.
  C. You didn’t use your time profitably, it could be done yesterday.
  Apparently, in sentence A, “ time is money” so it can be wasted; in sentence B, “ time is a limited resource” for people need to spare it; while in sentence C, time can be regarded as “a valuable commodity” because you need to use it profitably. All these are metaphor concepts which is commonly seen and easily accepted in Chinese culture.

5. Conclusion

  In conclusion, metaphor as a fundamental mechanism of mind, help us to utilize what we have acquainted through our physical and social experiences to offer a better understanding of countless other subjects. It can shape our perceptions and actions without our ever noticing them.


  [1]Aristotle. Rhetoric and Poetics[M]. New York: The Modern Library,1954.
【摘要】结合当前小学英语教学情况,从自身的英语教学经验出发,在分析趣味教学法在小学英语教学中的积极作用的基础上,多角度论述了提高趣味教学法有效性的策略,希望对今后深化小学英语教学改革发展有所帮助。  【关键词】小学英语;英语教学;趣味教学;教学改革  【作者简介】赵香梅,兰州市榆中县邴家湾学校。  在新课标的要求下,小学英语教学更加重视学生的综合素质能力的培养,为进一步提升小学英语课堂教学效果,体
【摘要】全球化日益发展对大学生的英语水平提出更高的要求,空中乘务这类涉外职业对英语实际运用能力尤为看重。针对空乘专业学生的英语教学除了教授基础知识以外,更应侧重于指导学生英语口语的实际交流运用。情景模拟教学法在空乘英语教学中起着至关中的作用。  【关键词】情景模拟教学;英语教学;空中乘务专业  【作者简介】罗卿,苏州大学文正学院。一、情景模拟教学方法的理论基础、内涵及作用  美国教育学家杜威最早提
【摘要】随着社会的不断发展与进步,科学技术水平也在不断提高,教育工作应用现代化技术也越来越多,在翻转课堂教学模式的应用也越来越多,翻转课堂作为现代化的教育方法,能够更好地提高学生们的学习兴趣,充分调动人们的学习积极性,让学生们能够自觉主动的进行学习,提高课堂教学效果十分重要。文章主要和现如今我国的教学实际情况相结合,对翻转课堂教学模式的优势进行介绍,从而更好促进教学效果。  【关键词】翻转课堂;高
【摘要】生活水平的提高和市场人才竞争的加剧,使得现代教育逐渐偏向于低龄化,尤其是对于英语这样应用范围广泛的现代人才必备技能。因此本文对少儿英语教学的兴趣导向和幼儿英语学习的兴趣培养进行分析,仅供相关人员借鉴参考。  【关键词】幼儿英语;兴趣导向;兴趣培养  【作者简介】彭凡(1995.08-),女,陕西人,西安翻译学院,大专。引言  英语作为一门应用范围极广的语言,对于儿童的智力开发、语言开发都具
【摘要】随着我国小學英语教学的普及,对于小学生英语的听、说、写的能力要求越来越高,对于小学英语教学提出了新的挑战。我根据自己的教学经验,揣摩别人的教学方式,进行不断地反思,总结出一些关于小学英语教学的心得,希望能给英语教学提供新的思路。  【关键词】小学;英语;反思性;教学  【作者简介】赵琳琳(1986.07.20-),女,河北衡水人,辽阳市灯塔市佟二堡经济特区中心小学,一级教师,本科。  通过
【摘要】英语单元整体设计能更好培养学生用英语的能力,发展学生的英语核心素养,提升教师的教学业务能力,提高教学的有效性。本文以人教版PEP六年级上册Unit6 How do you feel?为例,基于英语核心素养,从单元目标、单元主题、教学活动设计和教学评价四个方面阐述对小学英语单元整体设计的实践与思考,旨在为小学英语教师提供借鉴经验,帮助教师提升单元整体意识,培养学生的英语学科素养。  【关键词
【摘要】高中英语教学中阅读教学的重要性不言而喻,阅读也是英语试卷中所占比例最大的题型。阅读理解和完形填空是有直接联系的两道题型,全国卷中的语法填空和短文改错也与阅读息息相关。但基于目前情况来看,阅读是容易被学生忽视的一个环节,学生的自主阅读能力更是急需提高。本文旨在研究学生自主阅读能力培养的有效途径,增强学生自主阅读的意识。  【关键词】自主阅读;英语教学;培养途径  【作者简介】王芳(1989-
在初中英语课堂教学中,要使学生将掌握的知识运用到实际中,促进学生全面发展,培养学生综合能力。因此,本文将探究新课改形式下,有效提高学生听说水平能力的教学策略,积极为学生营造良好的学习分为,激发学生学习兴趣,不断创新教学手段。  一、提升教师自身专业能力  在初中英语教学活动中,培养学生听说能力过程中,不能仅仅依靠教材中听说内容向学生教学,利用教材中的听说内容不能有效提升学生的听说能力,教师要渗透到
【摘要】随着经济全球化趋势的不断加剧,全社会对英语给予了更大的关注。如何在开展初中英语知识教学的过程中,对学生进行有效语法知识的教学,成为近几年教师思考的关键性问题。基于此,笔者从自身初中英语语法课堂的教学经验出发,提出一系列促进语法知识教学的策略,希望能够与其他初中英语教师一同探讨这一问题。  【关键词】初中英语;语法;教学目标;微信;微课  【作者简介】陈国金,江苏省扬州市高邮市南海中学。