Clinical data Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic patients, found in the vulva and anus around the genital warts in 13 cases. The youngest 43 years old, the youngest 3 years old, the longest course of treatment for 6 months, the shortest 3 months, an average of 4 months in the perianal area, vulva and vagina. Course of up to 40 days, the shortest 3 days, an average of 15 days. A cure in 5 cases, a cure in 12 cases, the total cure rate was 98.8%. Follow-up 9 months to 3 years, 1 case of recurrence, accounting for 1%. Treatment; our department Shanghai Electronic Instrument Factory production of small high-energy electric knife treatment apparatus, surgical procedures: conventional disinfection, under local anesthesia dermal injection electrocautery surgery. After surgery