Take Part in Exploration of the Intangible Cultural Heritages of Ningbo

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  Over the last few months, Ningbo municipal government organized a series of activities for foreign friends to experience Ningbo’s Intangible Cultural Heritages including Siming Neijiaquan, gold and silver color embroidery, Ningbo Golden Painted Lacquer.
  On the morning of October 30, 2015, in the Siming internal school boxing hall, Master Xia BaoFeng and his senior students demonstrated and taught the basics of Sìmíng Nèijiāquán – an internal fighting style native to Ningbo – to a class of German high school students who are visiting Ningbo for a few days. The event was the first in a series meant to shed light on the various cultural heritages of Ningbo’s culture for foreign residents and students. Master Xia then got to demonstrating a few moves by calling up a few students. He motioned to a heavy set student to grab his hand and not let go, before executing a simple bend and slip that immediately pried his hand loose. Laughing, he showed the students again and again before calling more students up to learn some basic grappling techniques. I spoke with one of the German students, who was excited to learn some real kung fu, telling me happily that he would be interested in pursuing it when he returned home. The lead teacher was pleased as well. She had had experience with taking students on such exchanges before, and liked sharing Ningbo’s local language and culture with the students.
  November 7, 2015, we went to Yin Zhou Gold and Silver Embroidery Art Museum to learn Ningbo's gold and silver color embroidery, where many beautiful and intricately embroidered items for daily use and special occasions were on display, including a huge embroidery picture that took years to complete.
  We were given an opportunity to try the Gold and Silver Embroidery for ourselves on traditional embroidery looms. Our teachers, the Masters of Embroidery are very lovely ladies who are masters of their craft; some have been doing this for over 30 years. The Master, Shi Cui Zhen and the other teachers showed us how to split the silk threads into even finer threads and how to do different stitches. Their hands moved so fast, with such precision and beauty, it was fascinating. We were all able try. However, while it looked easy it was really hard to get even and consistent stitches. Obviously, it needs a lot of practice. We really enjoyed this very relaxing and peaceful activity and the silk has such a beautiful sheen and radiant colors that the results are stunning.   “The Gold and Silver Embroidery is personally my all-time favorite activity. It was very awesome experience and through it, I learned Ningbo's art and culture which I will try to let our people know when I will be returned back to my homeland and I want to learn more about Ningbo's art & culture”. Said Maida from Pakistan.
  The last event took place on December 4, 2015. It was to learn making Ningbo Golden Painted Lacquer. This was also a wonderful experience. The inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, Mater Chen HuaMing and Mater Shen LiJun came to Red Peony’s Academy so that we could experience this ancient craft. The Masters had prepared the plates for us with beautiful peonies, but left the stems and leaves for us to complete. In Ningbo, you see many of the ancient items covered with ornate, detailed raised designs and patterns that are decorated with Gold Leaf. This craft is hundreds of years old.
  This craft activity was very absorbing; looking around you could see that everyone was completely engrossed in the work of creating beautiful stems and leaves. To finish the flowers were decorated with gold paint and they looked amazing beautiful. Everyone was so very happy with their work and that they had a treasured memory of Ningbo to take home with them.
  Emily from England said ,“I really enjoyed learning making Ningbo Golden Painted Lacquer. They had designed the plate for us, and so after they showed us what to do, it was actually quite easy to make the leaves and stem. They all looked really good once we had finished. I would never have otherwise had an opportunity to learn about this part of Ningbo's Intangible Cultural Heritage, so I really enjoyed it. I'm going to give the plate to my grandfather as a present! ”
四十年前的宁海湾,没有工厂,没有水泥地,没有大型的船只航行,只有一片片原始的滩涂,滩涂上晾晒着成片成片的海带。  那时的林恩源才20来岁,是这片海湾里的年轻猛将。  “我父亲就是当时管理着村集体的海带养殖,我自小便学习养殖技术。”像林恩源一样的养殖户,当年仅大佳何镇就有30多户,而整片宁海湾岛屿周围的海带养殖大军则更为庞大。  说起养殖海带,林恩源如数家珍,他说,海带喜欢阴冷的海水,所以他们都把海
在过去的几个月里,市政府组织安排了丰富的活动,让外国朋友体验宁波的非物质文化遗产,包括四明内家拳、金银彩绣、泥金彩漆技艺培训等。  2015年10月30日,在四明内家拳馆,师傅夏宝峰和资深弟子们给一群在宁波参观的德国高中生演示和教授基础的四明内家拳,一种宁波独有的内家拳术。这是“国际友人体验宁波非遗”活动内容之一,旨在向外国友人和在甬留学生们宣扬宁波传统文化。夏师傅叫了几个学生上来,开始演示几个招
1.《城隍庙》 -王怀彪 陈晨橙 宋明银 (三位厨师) 杨旭辉(理发师)  2.《宁波南站候车楼站前广场》季春笑  3.《兴宁桥西交叉口》倪春霞  4.《南塘老街》上海人回宁波老家逛南塘老街  5.《中山路解放路口》芩敏燕(护士)  6.《碶闸街》雷九金和他同事(餐饮业)  在一元复始之际,让彼端三十年前的城市记忆与此端的美好希冀相逢,也许是一种特别的迎接新年的方式。  影像中的人们手中的老照片让
2013 年,经过两轮激烈角逐,泉州以深远厚重的历史文化底蕴、鲜明奇特的多元文化大观、丰富多彩的文化遗产、悠久广泛的对外交流等优势脱颖而出,与韩国光州、日本横滨共同当选2014年“东亚文化之都”。  一年经营,唤起最广泛的文化共鸣,泉州没有让世人失望。  临近2014年底,中共泉州市委书记黄少萍在给《泉州晚报》撰文时,动情地回忆着她亲历评选过程时的内心独白:  一年“文都”,就像一年盛大的节庆……
中韩日三国一衣带水,文化根基一脉相承。为向世界展现独具魅力的东亚历史文化纽带和精神家园,中韩日三国借鉴“欧洲文化之都”模式,于2011 年1 月首次提出一国一城、评选“东亚文化之都”的倡议。  一年后,这个“倡议”终于升级为“决定”。  中韩日三国决定在2014-2017 年期间,每年由三国各推选一个城市作为“东亚文化之都”。当选城市在随后的一年内,将以“东亚文化之都”名义,通过组派和鼓励本国优秀
凌晨2点,昏黄的灯光在晒场亮起,集装箱内走出一个身影,匆匆叫起了众人。  “东南风起了,明天估计会有大太阳,起来晒海带吧!”陈勇凤打开仓库,将半干的海带一一挪出,此时来了三个不算是劳动力的帮手,一个是她八十高龄的婆婆,一个是同样年纪的母亲。  陈勇凤在晒场一住就是二十多年,陪着丈夫操持海带生意。心疼两个孩子,年迈的母亲硬要陪着,这是她最难过的事。  记不清是哪一年,海带效益不好,养殖户常常亏损,那
开栏语:宁波,再一次被世界瞩目。2015年9月29日,在北京举行的“东亚文化之都”评选终审工作会议上,宁波从几个候选城市中脱颖而出,成功当选2016年“东亚文化之都”。  “东亚文化之都”是中日韩三国借鉴“欧洲文化之都”模式、亚洲第一个国际性文化城市命名活动。自2013年启动以来,已评选出两届,分别是2014年中国泉州、日本横滨、韩国光州和2015年中国青岛、日本新潟和韩国清州。  我市获此殊荣后
1.今年一月一日刚开业的民宿“琴海缘客栈”,共有15个房间,每个房间装修风格都各有不同,有“竹房”“炕房”“古筝房”……  2.“廊桥怡梦” 在老宅原有风格的基础上,注入很多现代的、欧式的设计元素,为这座小院增添了浪漫的色彩  3.台湾游客在奉化大堰体验炒土菜(毛节常 摄)  4.“心宿”——回家的道场,一个诗意的憩息地  徒步感受山野乡间的味道,融入大自然;在田间小路偶遇去劳作的老黄牛,与它们擦
每年7月15日到10月15日,是我市以台汛为主要汛情的主汛期。如何防台防汛成了这个季节的重点工作。  由于受厄尔尼诺事件影响,去年汛后至今,我市面降水量比常年多50%,水库、闸坝高水位运行。虽然厄尔尼诺事件已于今年5月份结束,但专家分析,其“余威”仍将影响整个夏季,发生极端天气气候事件的概率仍很大。  今年入汛以来,我市防台防汛处于前期遭遇六轮梅雨袭击,当前高温干旱少雨而局地强对流天气频发,后期台
又是一年汛期至。  7月9日,受台风“尼伯特”影响,宁波城区雷电交加。由于雨势较大,能见度很低,从窗外望去,整个城市一片昏暗。这波强降雨,给甬城带来了不小的降雨量。全大市中,雨量最大的镇海达到了110毫米,达到大暴雨的级别。市区的雨量也不小,海曙区达到了102.5毫米,江北区、江东区分别为81毫米和79毫米。  宁波是全国遭遇台风最频繁的城市之一,历史上曾有一次死亡数千人的惨剧。近年来,我市台风、