从历史发展看,同处东亚的中国和日本有着很多共同点,人多地少,古代农耕发达,近代工业化和城市化的进程也有类似之处。快速城市化之后的农村怎样发展,是一个共同面对的课题。本文试图从农村规划的角度,在日本战后农村发展的实践中梳理出有参考价值的经验:日本的农村,通常并不是单独存在,多数情况下是作为地方中小城市的一部分,长期以来虽然农村人口持续减少,但作为国家农业发展政策的重要一环,农村的道路、排水等基础设施整治却从未停止,目前这类整治工作在全国绝大多数地区已经完成。今后,农村将面临有效利用各类现存设施和开发存量资源,进一步担负起支撑中小城市持续发展的新使命。在此背景之下,关于重视地域的特色和多样性、深化城乡协作和交流、强调与自然共生等方面的新的探索和实践正在不断展开。“,”According to historical development, China and Japan have a lot in common in East Asia, e.g. many people and little land, agriculture developed in ancient. The process of industrialization and city modernization is also similar. How to develop the rural areas after the rapid urbanization, is a common topic. This paper attempts to tease out the valuable experience from the perspective of rural planning, through the practice of rural development after the war in Japan: the Japanese countryside is usually not alone, in most cases, it is as part of a small and medium-sized city. Although the rural population continued to decrease for a long time, but roads, drainage and other infrastructure renovation in rural has never been stopped as an important part of the national agricultural development policy. At present, this kind of work has been done in most parts of the country. In the future, the country will be faced with the effective use of all kinds of existing facilities and development of resources, to undertake the new mission to support the sustainable development of small and medium-sized city. In this context, putting a high value on regional characteristics and diversity, deepening cooperation and exchanges between urban and rural areas, emphasizing the symbiotic and other aspects of the new exploration and practice are being continuously expanded.