2004年12月20日内蒙古国际旅行卫生保健中心在实施出入境人员传染病监测体检中,首次检出一例外国入境者 HIV 抗体阳性,流行病学调查如下:1 基本情况HIV 感染者为女性,泰国国籍,1970年10月19日出生,未婚。2004年12月9日从曼谷经上海入境,12月10日到达呼和浩特,其间在上海机场停留大约9个小时左右。应聘呼和浩特新城宾馆泰式
On December 20, 2004, Inner Mongolia International Travel Health Care Center conducted a survey of infectious disease surveillance of entry-exit personnel for the first time and found out for the first time that a case of HIV positive among foreign immigrants was found. The epidemiological survey was as follows: 1 Basic Information HIV-infected women were women, Thailand Nationality, born October 19, 1970, unmarried. Arrived on December 9, 2004 from Bangkok via Shanghai, and arrived at Hohhot on December 10, during which time it left Shanghai Airport for about 9 hours or so. Appointment Hohhot Xincheng Hotel Thai