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当今社会的发展需要培养和增强大学生的自主学习能力,这也是对现代教育提出的要求。理论课是体育专业学生非常重要的学习内容,是学生在短时间内掌握丰富体育知识的捷径,对扩大学生知识面,树立终身体育观念、养成健身习惯,具有不可替代的作用。此外,理论是实践的基础,只有掌握了相关的理论知识后才能结合理论知识进行科学的训练。为了了解体育专业学生理论课学习的现状,本文采用文献资料、问卷调查法、数理统计法对首都体育学院学生理论课学习现状等进行了调查研究和分析。调查结果表明:体育专业学生理论课课堂存在倦怠现象,缺乏学习兴趣等问题,导致学生对理论课的学习并不积极。本文针对这一现状,对体育专业学生理论课学习产生倦怠的原因和对课堂学习的影响加以分析,并提出相应措施。旨在提高体育专业学生理论课学习积极性,让同学在课堂中能提高学习效率,充分掌握理论知识,使教学过程达到良好的预期效果。 The development of today’s society needs to cultivate and enhance the students’ autonomous learning ability, which is also the requirement of modern education. The theory class is a very important learning content for students majoring in physical education. It is a shortcut for students to master abundant sports knowledge within a short period of time. It plays an irreplaceable role in expanding students’ knowledge, establishing lifelong sports ideas and cultivating their fitness habits. In addition, the theory is the basis of practice. Only when the relevant theoretical knowledge is mastered, can the scientific training be combined with the theoretical knowledge. In order to understand the status quo of physical education students ’theoretical study, this paper investigates and analyzes the status quo of students’ theoretical studies in Capital Institute of Physical Education by means of literature, questionnaire and mathematical statistics. The survey results show that there are some problems such as burnout and lack of interest in learning in the theoretical class of PE majors, which leads students not to actively study the theory. In view of this situation, this paper analyzes the causes of the fatigue of theoretical majors in PE majors and their influences on classroom learning, and puts forward corresponding measures. The purpose of this course is to improve the enthusiasm of students majoring in physical education so that students can improve their learning efficiency in class and fully grasp the theoretical knowledge so that the teaching process can achieve good expected results.