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日本《朝日新闻》拥有八千七百多名职工,报纸发行量达800万份以上,是日本最大的一家报纸。《朝日新闻》的经营管理在日本可以说是上等的。报社由董事会领导,另设编委会具体负责办报业务,社长是由董事会确定的。报社的主要机构有论说委员室、调查研究室、综合企划室、经理局、编辑局等。编辑局下设经济部、社会部、外事部、体育部、摄影部、科学部、舆论部、整理部、政治部、调查部等十多个部,并设有十九个国外机构。国内设有庞大的通讯机构,每个县有五、六个记者站,有的记者站是“夫妻店”,男的采访,女的管家。《朝日新闻》每天出版早报和晚报,早报为24版,晚报为16版。《朝日新闻》的发行在全日本的家庭相当普及。同时还出版一张英文报,每天发行60万份。出版的刊物有《朝日周刊》《朝日记者》《朝日画报》《科学朝日》《健康杂志》《朝日摄影》,另外还出版书籍,如小说、古代文学、评论等等。这些刊物和书籍的发行量都很可观,是报社的一大财源。该社平常是不开会的,每年只开两次会。一次是年初,一次是下半年。这两次会都由社长主持。年初的一次会主要是报告办报方针和经营方针;下半年的一次会主要是报告办报和经营情况。例如,由于日本经济不景气,报纸广告减少,财源缩减。号召全社职 Japan’s Asahi Shimbun has over 8,700 employees and a circulation of more than 8 million newspapers, making it the largest newspaper in Japan. Asahi Shimbun’s management can be considered as superior in Japan. The newspaper is led by the board of directors and another editorial board is responsible for the newspaper business. The president is appointed by the board of directors. The main agency of the newspaper has a discussion room, a research room, a comprehensive planning room, a bureau, an editorial board and so on. Under the editorial board, there are more than 10 ministries including the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Social Affairs Department, Foreign Affairs Department, Sports Department, Photography Department, Science Department, Public Opinion Department, Organization Department, Political Department and Investigation Department. There are also 19 foreign institutions. There are a huge number of domestic communications agencies, each county has five or six correspondent stations, and some press stations are “husband and wife shop”, male interviews, female housekeeper. Asahi Shimbun published a daily morning and evening paper, a 24-hour morning paper and a 16-inch evening paper. The distribution of “Asahi Shimbun” is fairly popular throughout Japan. At the same time also published an English newspaper, issued 600,000 copies a day. His publications include Asahi Weekly, Asahi Shimbun, Asahi Shokuhin, Science Asahi, Health Magazine and Asahi Shooting, as well as books such as novels, ancient literature, reviews, and more. The circulation of these publications and books is impressive and is a major source of income for the newspaper. The society is usually not a meeting, only twice a year will be. Once in the beginning, once in the second half. Both meetings are presided over by the president. A meeting at the beginning of the year mainly reports on the guidelines and guidelines for the operation of the business; the meeting of the second half of the year mainly focuses on the reporting and operation of the business. For example, due to the sluggish economy in Japan, newspaper advertisements have been reduced and the financial resources have been reduced. Call the whole society
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