I was nineteen years old to know that my dad was not my father. That summer, he was forty, the last summer I lived with him in that house in Pilkington Road. Only two of us live, because when I was young, my mother died, and the rest of us were dependent on each other. The joy of my father’s life is the garden fan on the back of the house. In particular, he loved his roses, which were wrapped around the roof of houses, hanging on the door frames like thick braids. When I was young, he often let me work in the garden, such as spreading seeds on the floor he packed up, or hoeing something to make me understand his hobby. But in me it is not allowed to do so, whenever done tired, began cranky. Then it is really interesting to blow dandelion plumes from the sky, or to moss the moss that grows in the crevices of the platform. Later, he taught me more complicated knowledge. The correct way to prune branches