2002年12月31日,正是人们“岁末除秽,喜迎元旦” 的好日子,而我却被推进“癌”洞,迈向“完蛋”,开始 自已黑色的本命年——36岁!当天,由于急性、重度黄 疽肝炎,全身发黄,一天呕吐几次,无法进食,背剧烈酸 痛而到广医附一住院。CT检查发现:肝右叶至左内叶、尾 叶有一肿块15×12cm,占据2/3的肝脏,累及肝门区和门 静脉,甲胎蛋白AFP为121000 ng/mL(超极点),属原发 性、实性占位(巨块型)肝癌,比大人拳头还大,像个麦
On December 31, 2002, it was a good day for people to “get rid of the embarrassment at the end of the year and greet New Year’s Day.” But I was pushed into the “cancer” hole and headed to “finished”, starting my own black year of benevolence—36 years old! On the same day, due to acute and severe jaundice hepatitis, the whole body became yellow, vomited a few times a day, unable to eat, and had severe aches and pains before going to Guangyi Fuyi Hospital. CT examination revealed that the right hepatic lobe to the left internal lobe and the tail lobe had a mass of 15×12 cm, occupying 2/3 of the liver, involving the hilus and portal veins, and alpha-fetoprotein AFP of 121,000 ng/mL (ultrasodem). Live, solid (bulky) liver cancer, larger than the fist of an adult, like a wheat