为了大幅提高线阵CCD的测量精度,提出了一种全新的CCD使用方法。该方法是将N个像元间距为H的线阵CCD器件并排组合在一起,并沿像元线性分布方向以距离为H/N依次均匀错开排列。多个线阵CCD的感光电信号经多通道模数同步采集,保存到存储器中指定位置。然后,通过对所有CCD测量数据的分析计算来获得精确的测量值。分别采用单CCD和双CCD错排对长为30mm,直径为5.000 mm8、.000 mm、12.000 mm的三个标准杆件的直径进行了测量。结果表明,双CCD错排可获得两倍于单CCD的测量精度。该方法可从理论上彻底打破CCD像元间距的限制,并使线阵CCD的测量精度大幅度地提高。
In order to greatly improve the measurement accuracy of linear CCD, a new method of using CCD is proposed. The method is to combine N linear CCD devices with a pixel spacing H side by side and arrange them with a uniform distance H / N along the linear distribution direction of the pixels. A plurality of linear CCD photosensitive electric signals are collected synchronously by the multi-channel modulus and stored in a specified position in the memory. Then, through all the CCD measurement data analysis and calculation to get accurate measurements. The diameters of three standard bars with a length of 30 mm, a diameter of 5.000 mm8, a diameter of .000 mm and a height of 12.000 mm were measured with a single CCD and a double CCD. The results show that double CCD misplaced can get double the accuracy of single CCD measurement. The method can completely break the limit of CCD pixel spacing theoretically and make the measurement precision of the linear CCD greatly improved.