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有不少年轻的父母很想给孩子讲故事,却苦于找不到好教材。其实,一些有趣而浅显易懂的故事,就可以从我们身边的事物中去找。凭着我们的生活经验和已有的学识,一般来说,是可以驾驭故事这种形式,用形象生动的语言,向孩子讲身边的事物的。这样,既讲了故事,满足了孩子的求知欲,又使孩子明白了事理,了解了所讲事或物的性质特征。例如,可以讲讲小树的故事,小花猫的故事,小闹钟的故事,也可以讲吃饭的故事,交朋友的故事,打架的故事等等。这样的故事,因为孩子有一定的生活体验,加上又有随手可得的直观性强的“道具”孩子就容易懂,也容易产生兴趣。 There are many young parents want to tell their children a story, but can not find good textbooks. In fact, some interesting and easy-to-understand stories can be found from the things around us. With our experience of living and our existing knowledge, in general, we can manipulate the forms of stories and vividly describe the things around us to our children. In this way, both tell the story to satisfy the children’s curiosity, but also make the children understand the reason, understand the nature of the story or thing. For example, you can talk about the story of a small tree, the story of a kitten, a small alarm clock story, you can talk about eating stories, making friends stories, fighting stories and so on. This story, because children have a certain experience of life, coupled with readily available intuitive “props” children easy to understand, but also easy to generate interest.
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有一次,我在某幼儿园问一个中班的孩子: “你有好朋友吗?你和谁最要好?”“我和刘×和张××最要好。”他回答。“为什么你和他们俩最要好呢?”我又问。 Once, I asked a m