The 24th Session of the Governing Councilof the UN—Habitat Was Held in Nairobi

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  On 15th April, 2013, the 24th session of the Governing Council of the UN-Habitat was held in Nairobi, Kenya. A total of 1144 delegates from 107 countries representing national governments, local authorities, private sector, civil society as well as media attended the meeting. The week-long session centered on “Sustainable Development: The role of cities in creating improved economic opportunities for all, with special reference to youth and gender”.
  At the opening ceremony, a message from the Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr. BAN Ki-moon was read by Ms. Sahle-Work Zewde, Director-General of UNON. Mr. Ban Ki Moon noted that since 2007, when for the first time the world population living in urban areas passed the 50% mark, the process of urbanization has continued unabated. "The majority of the world's urban growth is taking place in developing countries, where many urban centers already have inadequate infrastructure and where many authorities are looking for ways to respond adequately to the demands of their rapidly expanding urban populations, especially the young and the poor."
  In his speech, UN-Habitat Executive Director Dr. Joan Clos reminded the delegates that on 5th April, the Secretary-General of the United Nations called for accelerated action from Governments, international organizations and civil society groups in the next 1,000 days to reach the targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the deadline of the end of 2015. "We have met the quantitative target of improving the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers out of a total of 760 million in 2000. This is an achievement. But this figure hides a reality. This welcome cut has been dramatically surpassed by the increased number of new arrivals to the slums. The total number of people living in slums has increased from 760 million in 2000 to 863 million in 2012," he said. He stressed the role of urbanization as a source of development, "How we develop our villages, towns and cities in the near future will have a significant impact on the quality of life of millions of citizens. We need to redouble our efforts to address the need of planning before the urban growth takes place".
  Then the speech by the Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta, started the Governing Council. "Today, half of the world's population lives in urban areas; and a third of them are in slums and informal settlements. By the year 2050, over 70% of the world's population will be living in cities. The convening of this gathering, therefore, provides member states with an opportunity to reflect on urbanization challenges and deliberate on the way forward," he said.   Jiang Mingjun, the President of IESCO, led a delegation to attend the 24th session of the Governing Council of the UN-Habitat at the invitation of Joan Clos, the UN Under-Secretary-General and the Executive Director of the UN-Habitat. The delegation includes Deputy Director-General Shan Fengping, An Xueli, Tee Ching Seng, and Mr. Yao Chongpu, Director of Ecological Agriculture Committee, Mr. Wang Xiaosheng, Chairman of Chinese Academy of Nature and Agriculture, Gao Qinghong, CEO of International Training Center for the Youth, Li Huarong, Ecological Architecture Academy of IESCO, and Wu Chunyou from Dalian Ecological Safety Institute.
  During the meeting, Dr. Joan Clos, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, and Jiang Mingjun, president of IESCO, renewed 4 Memorandums of Cooperation under the “Youth Empowerment and Urban Ecological Safety Project” i.e., to release annual urban youth survey report; implement eco- skills training programmes on a global scale; implement urban ecological safety index rankings on a global scale and co-establish “UN Youth Innovation Award”. The renewing of the memorandums of cooperation signals that the cooperation between UN-HABITAT and IESCO has come to a new stage of development. The two parties will make new contribution to promoting United Nations Millennium Development Goals and achieving sustainable development.
  UN Habitat and International Ecological Safety Collaborative Organization (IESCO) called a press conference on “Youth Empowerment and Urban Ecological Safety Project”. About 100 people, including Asia Kacyira Kirabo, the Deputy Executive Director of UN Habitat, Oyebanji Oyeyinka, the Director of the Monitoring and Research Division at UN-HABITAT, Jiang Mingjun, the President of IESCO, leaders of related UN departments, delegates of member states and media, attended the conference. Ms Asia Kacyira Kirabo, the Deputy Executive Director of UN Habitat, said that even though cities could provide more job opportunities for the youth than rural areas, they also brought challenges, for example, unequal allocation of social resources. Our aim is to create more training projects to help the youth get employed. Jiang Mingjun, the President of IESCO, stated that with the current coexistence of development opportunities and challenges, larger involvement in the youth business serves more strategic importance. “We need to constantly focus on youth issues, listen to their voices, encourage their development and support their entrepreneurship, fostering an aspirant, determined, respectable and intelligent young generation. In this way, we can guarantee the smooth implementation of the UN Millennium Goals and the achievement of the sustainable development of humanity.”
  Shan Fengping and Tee Ching Seng, the Deputy Director-Generals of IESCO, also made speeches on women and youth respectively. During the meeting, Dr. Jiang Mingjun, President of IESCO, also met with the delegations of Nigerian Government, Tanzanian Government, and Global Parliamentarians on Habitat, and reached a consensus regarding poverty eradication, development of ecological agriculture, and youth training for employment.
森林是世界上最重要的资源,小到制作纸张和家具,大到维护生态系统和保护野生动植物,用途非常广泛。  维系生计  人类最早便生活在森林之中,即使在今天,仍约有3亿人生活在森林之中,另有16亿人的生计则依靠森林来维系。  对于森林居住民来说,薪材和木炭是做饭和取暖的重要来源,因为它们是这些家庭唯一可以获取并负担得起的能源。据联合国粮农组织估计,世界上超过1亿人依赖薪材维系生计。  此外,森林是世界上最贫
自然和资源是战争不可避免的牺牲品,水源危机、物种消失、森林减少、土地沙化乃是战争的必然结果——联合国环境规划署。  十年磨一剑。  十年前,伊拉克战火纷飞。十年后,虽然伊拉克战争早已淡出人们的视线,然而当时的滚滚黑烟、滩滩血迹、片片焦土、阵阵哭嚎却仿若昨日之事,依然历历在目,声声在耳,触目惊心。对于伊拉克来说,这场战争不仅摧毁了家园,夺走了生命,更对生态造成了不可估量的破坏。在伊拉克战争“十年祭”
谭建武,男,1971年出生于湖南耒阳,1991年毕业于湖南师范大学美术系,之后受聘于《深圳青年》杂志社,1993年从事职业油画创作至今。他的作品崇尚新古典主义风格,画功深厚朴实,尤其在古典肖像画领域颇有造诣。他曾为多位政商界精英绘制肖像,多幅作品被海内外机构和私人藏家收藏。  崇尚新古典主义风格的画家谭建武是一位曾经接受过专业美术教育的实力派画家。这位曾经为众多政商界精英绘制肖像的画家,不仅以深厚
在远离世界各大洲的非洲西南部,有一个饱经27年战火的国度,它本应美丽、富庶,却因战争而满目疮痍,本应资源丰富,却在战争期间严重受损。它经历了非洲现代史上最旷日持久的内战,但却没有被战争击溃,战争后的一贫如洗,也没有使之气馁,而今的它正奔走在崛起的道路上,向着非洲最富裕的国家前进。为了一探它战后生态环境恢复的究竟,本刊记者特意走访了其驻华特命全权大使诺昂·加西亚·比雷斯先生。  战争影响与战后修复 
2013年4月15日,联合国人居理事大会第24届会议在肯尼亚内罗毕召开。来自107个国家的政府代表团、政府间组织、非政府组织共计1,144个代表团以及联合国各部门负责人和媒体代表出席了本届会议。与会者围绕“可持续发展:城市在为所有人,特别是在为青年和两性平等方面创造更佳经济机遇方面发挥的作用”的主题展开了为期一周的讨论。  在开幕式上,联合国驻内罗毕办事处主任萨勒-沃克·祖德宣读了联合国秘书长潘基
五月初的曼哈顿,正值花开的时节,街头巷尾飘浮着馥郁的芳香。对于记者而言,此时此刻再没有比采访联合国副秘书长吴红波先生更令人心花怒放之事了。带着早已准备好的问题,记者见到了在联合国系统中主管经济与社会事务的副秘书长吴红波。这位来自中国的副秘书长平易近人,儒雅的东方气质一下子拉近了我们之间的距离。  在过去人们认为中国的外交官主要是搞政治外交,实际上现在已经发生了很大的变化。  “人们对中国的外交官有
当前,人类正处于生存危机的阶段。生态系统全方位退化、人类活动以前所未有的步伐与规模影响着自然环境与生存环境,世界面临着不断加重的贫穷、饥饿、疾病等问题。  21世纪初,约14%的俄罗斯领土沦为生态恶化的区域。而在这14%的领土上,居住着约占俄罗斯总人口数1/3的居民。  可以确认的是,整个俄罗斯自然环境与人类生存环境退化的过程仍在继续,这也是俄罗斯民众健康恶化的重要原因。  俄罗斯人均寿命长度远居
“环保”早已是深入人心的概念,但通常的废物回收都是降级循环利用,例如将塑料瓶分解为原材料,经过繁复的化学、物理过程,再重新制造新产品。然而,在这个转换过程中已经浪费了不少原材料和能源。现如今,升级再造悄然兴起,使得废物再利用的同时,还能将废物升级成更有价值的产品。  “再生资源利用”唱响工业新歌  随着现代工业文明的崛起,人类社会对资源的需求越来越大,但原生性资源却原来越少。如今,我们已经遭遇了资
“认养一棵树,维护一片绿。”在自己居住的小区认养一棵树,给它浇水、剪枝,陪伴它一起成长……桂林市推出“植物认养”活动,帮助居民实现美化家园的心愿。  在中国广西省桂林市东岸枫景小区管理处,人们可以看到一份《社区植物认养》通知,通知呼吁小区居民特别是小朋友认养植物、加强对身边环境的认识和对生态的保护。每位社区居民都可以报名领养小区内喜欢的植物,有关部门将会在树上悬挂认养者的姓名,并标明植物名称、科目
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