梅李女神为 1994年引进 ,是生食和加工果脯、罐头的优质原料 ,成为天津市观光果园的首选品种。经多年观察和栽培管理已达盛果期 ,6 6 7m2 产 36 0 0kg ,最高达 4 2 0 0kg ,并已初步掌握了生长特性 ,并摸索了一套丰产栽培技术措施。1 主要性状1 1 果实性状 果实长卵形 ,
The plum goddess was introduced in 1994. It is a good raw material for raw food and processed preserved can and canned food and has become the first choice variety of sightseeing orchards in Tianjin. After many years of observation and cultivation management has reached the full fruit period, 6 6 7m2 production 36 0 0kg, up to 4200kg, and has initially mastered the growth characteristics, and to explore a set of high-yielding cultivation techniques and measures. 1 main characters 1 1 fruit characters long oval fruit,