Chinese medicine believes that “ear Kennedy Kin Kin ”. Through massage to stimulate the acupuncture points can treat a variety of diseases. Fullness of the earlobe tissue, to a certain extent, is a sign of kidney health. Because the ear is not an isolated organ, it is closely related to the whole body meridian and internal organs, often massage the ear can buck strong kidney. Carrying the tragus hands together on the inside of the tragus, with the index finger, thumb lift the tragus screen, pulling from the inside out. From light to heavy, the strength of the pain is limited, each 3 to 5 minutes. This method can treat headache, dizziness, neurasthenia, tinnitus and other diseases. Sweep the outer ear with both hands to sweep the ear from the front, you will hear “Cha Cha ” sound. Sweep 20 times each time, several times a day. Long-term adherence, will be able to kidney fitness. Pull both ears and two fingers straight, respectively, into the two ears, rotated 180 °, repeated three times, quickly pulled out, ears, “pop” sound, the general pull 3 to 6 times. This method can make sense of hearing, and brainpower. Ming-day drums were close to the ears, palm, ear hole cover