根据笔者调查,目前企业出口创汇中存在的困难和问题主要有: 1.出口创汇透明度不高。企业只供货,不知客户,不了解出口产品的换汇成本、创汇额和外汇留成。外汇留成比例小;留成兑现环节多,并有个别部门克扣企业的外汇留成现象。2.外销不如内销。企业出口积极性受挫。出口产品有计划,价格相对稳定,而原辅
According to the author’s investigation, the current difficulties and problems in the foreign exchange earned by enterprises are as follows: 1. The transparency of foreign exchange earned through exports is not high. Companies only supply, do not know the customer, do not understand the cost of foreign exchange for export products, foreign exchange earnings and foreign exchange retention. The retention rate of foreign exchange is small; there are many retention and cashing agreements, and there are individual departments that deduct the foreign exchange retention of enterprises. 2. Exports are not as good as domestic sales. The export enthusiasm of enterprises is frustrated Export products have plans, prices are relatively stable, and raw and auxiliary