Audie Cornish (Host): Lana Del Rey’s album, Born to Die, is considered one of the most anticipated for 2012, and she’s not the only one. 2012 could be the breakout year for many other artists who have enjoyed magazine covers and 1)rapturous music reviews long before their 2)debut albums hit stores.
So…talk to me a little bit about why people hate Lana Del Rey so much. Who is Lana Del Rey and why do people hate her so much? Ann Powers (Music critic): Lana Del Rey is the 3)alter ego of a woman named Lizzy Grant. She’s from New York. She was a struggling singer/songwriter before she kind of hit on this character she’s created. So she became 4)controversial because, as much as people liked this song, they doubted her 5)authenticity, I guess, as if that really matters for a pop star. But they thought she was too selfcreated. And many people also doubted that she was an 6)indie artist.
Cornish: And, Ann, what’s interesting about that is everywhere you went online, on Twitter, on 7)random music blogs, people were talking about her so much. And 8)essentially, she’s this artist who really benefits—or is suffering—from what you’ve called the hype cycle. What exactly is the hype cycle?
Powers: Well, the hype cycle’s been with us for as long as pop has existed. But in the Internet age, it’s been wildly 9)accelerated. Basically, an artist puts forth a product. It is quickly absorbed by many different people online. They become the talk of the Internet. And suddenly, this complete unknown goes to, you know, center stage of the pop 10)consciousness, sometimes in a week or less. And that’s what happened with Lana Del Rey. So much talk, so little product—that’s the hype cycle.
Cornish: What’s the danger for the musicians involved?
Powers: That is something that gets talked about a lot with these new Internet 11)sensations—that they haven’t had time to 12)hone their 13)craft. In truth, some Internet sensations have been around for a while. A great example is Frank Ocean, the R&B singer. He’s someone who is a professional songwriter, redid his image and is quite 14)seasoned, and you can really hear it in his music. That’s an example of the hype cycle working—and kind of in a good way—giving someone a chance, you know, to break through.
Cornish: At the same time, how much of this is a change from, say, the old music business model where it was DJs and singles that would sort of 15)rev up the hype cycle versus music bloggers and downloads who are the taste-makers now?
Powers: Well, Audie, it’s not like hype is at all new. You mentioned DJs and singles, which takes me back to, say, the dawn of rock ’n’ roll. I think this is kind of a similar time. The artists who capture our imagination are hitting 16)hot buttons. The rapper, Kreayshawn…she’s a white girl from Oakland. She adopts AfricanAmerican styles. This hits the hot button of race. So these artists…they start arguments. They raise our passions because they’re somehow getting to the deepest issues that we’re dealing with every day.
Cornish: And in the end, some of these artists, I hope…there’s a 17)nugget of talent there, right? Including Lana Del Rey?
Powers: Absolutely. We don’t talk about just air. We don’t care about things that are totally 18)hollow. And even with Lana Del Rey, she has a talent. Perhaps it’s not quite clear how she can hone that best, but it’s there. It’s hitting us on some level, and we need to respect that that’s happening.
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“hype”这个词本身有“不实宣传”的意思,因此“发展规律周期”(hype cycle)又可译作“炒作周期”。这个模型由高德纳咨询公司(Gartner)开发,被广泛应用于行业及技术发展预测。该曲线将新事物从产生到成熟、直至被市场广泛接受的全过程浓缩为五个阶段:技术触发期(Technology Trigger)、过热期(Peak of Inflated Expectations)、幻灭期(Trough of Disillusionment)、复苏期(Slope of Enlightenment)和生产力成熟期(Plateau of Productivity),亦即上升期、快速发展期、下降期、爬坡期和稳定应用期。