Civil judicial evidence is the main body of civil proof gathering, reviewing, judging and using evidence to confirm the facts of the case, in order to achieve the subject and object, subjective and objective, knowledge and practice of unification activities. In the process of judicial proof, we should always carry out the basic position of value choice. The purpose of civil judicial proof reflects the pluralism and relativity of the value orientation of modern civil litigation and is the most concentrated manifestation of the value target pursued by the subject of civil proof. The civil judicial proving activity reflects the essential force of the main body of civil proof and reflects the different needs of the main body of civil proof. The fulfillment of these needs has formed multi-dimensional value orientation such as freedom, order, fairness, efficiency and stability. The unification of compliance and purpose, the unity of public interests and individual interests, taking into account the unity of diversity and emphasis, the unity of preferential treatment and cost should be the basic principles to be followed in weighing and selecting the value of civil judicial verification.