Impedance measurements of the extraction kicker system for the rapid cycling synchrotron of China Sp

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The fast extraction kicker system is one of the most important accelerator components and the main source of impedance in the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron of the China Spallation Neutron Source. It is necessary to understand the kicker impedance before its installation into the tunnel. Conventional and improved wire methods are employed in the impedance measurement. The experimental results for the kicker impedance are explained by comparison with simulation using CST PARTICLE STUDIO. The simulation and measurement results confirm that the window-frame ferrite geometry and the end plate are the important structures causing coupling impedance. It is proved in the measurements that the mismatching from the power form network to the kicker leads to a serious oscillation sideband of the longitudinal and vertical impedance and the oscillation can be reduced by ferrite absorbing material. The fast extraction kicker system is one of the most important accelerator components and the main source of impedance in the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron of the China Spallation Neutron Source. It is necessary to understand the kicker impedance before its installation into the tunnel. Conventional and improved wire The experimental results for the kicker impedance are explained by comparison with simulation using CST PARTICLE STUDIO. The simulation and measurement results confirm that the window-frame ferrite geometry and the end plate are the important structures causing coupling impedance It is proved in the measurements that the mismatching from the power form network to the kicker leads to a serious oscillation sideband of the longitudinal and vertical impedance and the oscillation can be reduced by ferrite absorbing material.
【摘 要】针对中学教学的研究很多,本文另辟蹊径,从设计教学法的发展过程中,去深刻理解设计教学法的内涵,并给出了几点关于教学法的建议。  【关键词】中学教学 设计教学法 内涵  对中学教学来讲,教学方法的优劣是学生成才的关键。在新课改下对教学方法的改革和创新中,我们应该多了解和研究以前一些成功的教学理论和方法,其中设计教学法就是值得教师去认真理解和体会的一种教学理念。  一、设计教学法概述  “设计
摘 要:大学体育教学的重要性是不可替代的,如何提高大学教学质量,提高大学生的运动意识与运动能力是体育教学面临的主要问题。本文结合我国大学生体育教育和大学生体质健康状况实际,在课程目标、课程管理、课程结构、课程内容、资源配备、课程评价等方面提出了改进策略,即在教学过程中探索培养学生兴趣的方法和手段,贯彻思想道德教育和意志品质教育,寻求全人教育的方法、手段,培养大学生的团结协作能力和团队意识,发展学生
【摘 要】在初中物理教学中,要坚持注重教学理念,还要注重改革、创新教学方法。作为坚守在教学一线的初中物理教师,要与时俱进、奋力拓新,不断改进工作方法,努力创新教学手段有效促进学科教学的提速增效。  【关键词】初中物理 教改创新 实践与探讨  在新课程背景下,提高初中物理教学成效的方法有许多种,但是概括起来不外乎抓好以下五个环节:  一、抓好情感环节发挥亲师信道作用  良好的师生关系是提高教学成效的
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a unique subgroup defined by a lack expression of ER (estrogen receptor), PR(progesterone receptor) and HER2 (human epid
【摘 要】本文以高中数学教学案的设计与应用为研究对象,针对相关问题进行分析与阐释。文章首先介绍了高中数学教学案设计过程中要遵循的原则,然后结合教学实践从教学案的设计中对应注意的问题进行了阐释和分析。希望本文的研究能够为高中数学教学实践提供一些指导和帮助。  【关键词】高中数学 教学案 设计与应用  一、高中数学教学案设计过程中要遵循的原则  (一)适当性原则  教师在备课前根据教学大纲确定教学任务