当今人们对生态环境问题十分关注,这种关注出自人们各种各样的情感,集中表现为对社会的忧虑感,对子孙后代的责任感,对土地、淡水资源滥用的危机感等等,使得人们对生态环境的未来感到困惑和恐惧。在市场经济发展的过程中建立完善的全球共同遵循的生态道德理念,对保护人类生态环境、实现人与自然的和谐发展是非常必要的。“,”Nowadays, people' s concern of ecological problems is growing. This concern comes from people' s different kinds of emotions, which mainly manifested in the anxiety of society, the sense of responsibility to future generations, the sense of crisis on the abuse of land, freshwater resources and the slaughter of wild animals, etc. These concerns make people feel confused and fear to ecological environment' s future. In the development of market economy, establishing a perfect ecological ethics philosophy that the world could follow is essential to the protection of human environment and harmonious development between human and nature.